RE: [Web Comm] URL naming for migrated content

We'll need an SSL cert to even accept the requests, and then we should
really put permanent redirects in place to the http content.

I don't know how I feel about changing the structure; I think it may add
risk to a project that's already extremely pushed for time?

I'm not sure if moving the SSL cert is in Shawn's work plan? Or if this
is even possible? It appears to be issued to CollabNet, which is
somewhat disturbing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam []
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 11:22
Subject: Re: [Web Comm] URL naming for migrated content

Dave Patton wrote:

For example, using this page:
I would suggest that, going forward, it would be ideal for all the
following to resolve to the same page:
(and https://… if needed)

Whether or not the scheme(http) is specified most browsers assume HTTP

and supply it. I think the "www"
is just a matter of how the domain is registered (except perhaps for
issue with the security certificate)?
The trailing slash(or not) can be handled by Apache.

If "about.html" is currently used in a variety of places, then in
addition to index.html it should be specified as an index document, so

that this type of URI, which fails on the current site, will work:


Was one of your points that the primary document in a given directory
should be called index.html so the document name can be omitted? I
would tend to agree for static html pages though it does not seem to
have been the usual approach on the existing site - I don't know why.

I'm not sure that the defaulting to index.html works the same in Drupal
though since things like directories apparently don't really exist, they
urls are just a notional sort of thing.

One thing that this raises I hadn't considered before is that we need to
ensure the https: urls continue to resolve on the new system even if we
don't normally put stuff through https. I'm not sure if there is any
tricky aspects to this.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,

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