Regarding TM for logo and web site

in the meeting minutes of the
action item 10 says:

All: Start adding TM symbol to our logo

It is not my understanding that this has been decided. In IRC it was only
suggested that "we need to start adding the TM symbol to our logo".

07:59:03 spatialguru: We need to start adding the TM symbol to our logo
07:59:19 seven: do we really?
07:59:22 seven: what for?
07:59:28 seven: who is going to steal it?
07:59:41 seven: is it some kind of magic certificate?

There has been given no reason why we need to do it.

Arnulf Christl

Arnulf Christl wrote:

in the meeting minutes of the
action item 10 says:

All: Start adding TM symbol to our logo

It is not my understanding that this has been decided. In IRC it was only
suggested that "we need to start adding the TM symbol to our logo".

07:59:03 spatialguru: We need to start adding the TM symbol to our logo
07:59:19 seven: do we really?
07:59:22 seven: what for?
07:59:28 seven: who is going to steal it?
07:59:41 seven: is it some kind of magic certificate?

There has been given no reason why we need to do it.


Whether we should mark things as (tm) has been taken up as a board level
issue, and there are legitimate concerns about whether to do so or not,
so we shouldn't start putting (tm) on stuff yet.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

On 26-Jul-06, at 7:46 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Whether we should mark things as (tm) has been taken up as a board level
issue, and there are legitimate concerns about whether to do so or not,
so we shouldn't start putting (tm) on stuff yet.

Ok, I see that now. I will add my thoughts to the thread on the board list.


dear VisCom, Board,

I heard a fun story at the FLOSS Foundations pre-OSCON meeting.
Eclipse released their logo artwork under their EPL (BSD-style)
license. Quite a few random, non-software-related companies called
"eclipse" started using the artwork. Mike Milinkovich their ED
showed a little gallery of re-usage, entertainingly proud of it:

I asked him about it and he said Eclipse would definitely have
benefited from getting guidelines sorted out early on, and that
personally he thought the Mozilla Foundation had got the TM/reuse
guidelines spot on:

His commentary: [[
Now the interesting wrinkle in all this is that the phenomenon we're
seeing with the Eclipse logos is operating at the intersection of
copyright and trademark law. The trademark law only protects the logos
in a particular field of endeavour (e.g. software, real estate, courier
services). So no one could use the Eclipse logo for software. But
because we made the bits available under the EPL, people can and do use them in
other fields. That can be a perfectly reasonable thing to do. ]]

hth, hand, ianal,


ps - the site strikes me as a really fine example of a
foundation website - sets everything out very clean and clearly.