[SAC] Admin rights for Finland -maillist

Dear Sirs,

Can I have admin rights for finland@lists.osgeo.org? Ari Jolma did have admin rights, but password is somewhere. We like more carefully take care about Finnish OSGeo community and mailing list is one of those tools to have better communication inside community.

Best Regards,

Pekka Sarkola

ps. I send my first request to mailman@… –account, but it is obviously wrong place. Maybe we could have “auto-response” for that account to announce correct way.

Pekka Sarkola

Gispo Oy

pekka.sarkola@gispo.fi - GSM +358 40 725 2042



I will send the admin password separately.

Best regards,


On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 1:24 AM, Pekka Sarkola <pekka.sarkola@gispo.fi> wrote:

Dear Sirs,

Can I have admin rights for finland@lists.osgeo.org? Ari Jolma did have admin rights, but password is somewhere. We like more carefully take care about Finnish OSGeo community and mailing list is one of those tools to have better communication inside community.

Best Regards,

Pekka Sarkola

ps. I send my first request to mailman@… –account, but it is obviously wrong place. Maybe we could have “auto-response” for that account to announce correct way.

Pekka Sarkola

Gispo Oy

pekka.sarkola@gispo.fi - GSM +358 40 725 2042


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