[SAC] Another SSL patch

Instructions for a fix and tester on

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Fix looks pretty straightforward.

Alex Mandel, PhD

Geography Graduate Group
University of California, Davis

Hi all,

I chose the OSGeo Wiki as a testbed for improving TLS configuration on
Debian 6, please check if your browser still allows to log into the
Wiki via the encrypted page:


If nobody complains until Friday evening, then I'll port this config
over to all known OSGeo servers.

Fix looks pretty straightforward.

.... well, at least at the first glance :slight_smile:

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On 05/21/2015 05:08 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi all,

I chose the OSGeo Wiki as a testbed for improving TLS configuration on
Debian 6, please check if your browser still allows to log into the
Wiki via the encrypted page:


If nobody complains until Friday evening, then I'll port this config
over to all known OSGeo servers.

Fix looks pretty straightforward.

.... well, at least at the first glance :slight_smile:


I got a complaint from Cameron today. Maybe he can provide more details.


On 05/22/2015 05:20 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Details of issue I've just discovered:

Go to any OSGeo wiki page.
Try to log in. You probably won't be able to do this.
If you can, try to edit a wiki page. You will probably get an error
message “This webpage has a redirect loop”

Warm regards, Cameron

On 23/05/2015 10:10 am, Alex Mandel wrote:

On 05/21/2015 05:08 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi all,

I chose the OSGeo Wiki as a testbed for improving TLS configuration on
Debian 6, please check if your browser still allows to log into the
Wiki via the encrypted page:


If nobody complains until Friday evening, then I'll port this config
over to all known OSGeo servers.

Fix looks pretty straightforward.

.... well, at least at the first glance :slight_smile:


I got a complaint from Cameron today. Maybe he can provide more details.
