[SAC] Apache QGIS / memory upgrade

Hi List,

currently the (new) QGIS website is very(!) slow.

Looking into the server, it does not look to be very busy there?

Is there something going on upstream? I see a large peak in Apache accesses on both qgis.osgeo.org and download.osgeo.org.

Can we do something to make this better?


Richard Duivenvoorde

QGIS PSC Infrastructure Manager

On 09/23/2013 01:51 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

Hi List,

currently the (new) QGIS website is very(!) slow.

Looking into the server, it does not look to be very busy there?

Is there something going on upstream? I see a large peak in Apache
accesses on both qgis.osgeo.org and download.osgeo.org.

Can we do something to make this better?


Richard Duivenvoorde

QGIS PSC Infrastructure Manager

QGIS and Download run on top of different physical hardware, so I doubt
that's the issue. I expect there's a higher load than previously on QGIS
from the new release.

First thing I can suggest and takes about 5 minutes, is to increase the
ram and add an additional virtual cpu. We have plenty of unallocated RAM
so I'd like to try this soon if there are now objections.

If we think there's a network issue I can file a ticket with OSUOSL to
look into that possible issue.

Another option is I can see if both Nics are hooked up on the physical
hardware and if not ask OSUOSL to setup both and split the VMs to bridge
across in away that splits the load.



The QGIS web site seems nice and fast for me. The download site was terribly slow to connect, even though the VM did not seem busy and ssh traffic was nice and fast. I’ve restarted apache on download.osgeo.org and now things seem better. Let me know if the problem persists.

Best regards,


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

On 09/23/2013 01:51 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

Hi List,

currently the (new) QGIS website is very(!) slow.

Looking into the server, it does not look to be very busy there?

Is there something going on upstream? I see a large peak in Apache
accesses on both qgis.osgeo.org and download.osgeo.org.

Can we do something to make this better?


Richard Duivenvoorde

QGIS PSC Infrastructure Manager

QGIS and Download run on top of different physical hardware, so I doubt
that’s the issue. I expect there’s a higher load than previously on QGIS
from the new release.

First thing I can suggest and takes about 5 minutes, is to increase the
ram and add an additional virtual cpu. We have plenty of unallocated RAM
so I’d like to try this soon if there are now objections.

If we think there’s a network issue I can file a ticket with OSUOSL to
look into that possible issue.

Another option is I can see if both Nics are hooked up on the physical
hardware and if not ask OSUOSL to setup both and split the VMs to bridge
across in away that splits the load.


Sac mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

On 23-09-13 18:41, Frank Warmerdam wrote:


The QGIS web site seems nice and fast for me. The download site was
terribly slow to connect, even though the VM did not seem busy and ssh
traffic was nice and fast. I've restarted apache on download.osgeo.org
<http://download.osgeo.org> and now things seem better. Let me know if
the problem persists.

Hi Frank,

the download was slow because we served the installers from our own site. The download of (mostly standalone windows installers) stalled our server and thereby our website.
After Juergen moved installers to download.osgeo.org and added a redirect, al least our website was responsive again.

I think/hope that downloads will continue to hammer the download.osgeo.org server :slight_smile:

Besides this I think we will need more RAM, cpu and disk space (will be asked for in a different email)


Richard Duivenvoorde


Well, my restart of apache (graceful) didn’t really help for more than a few seconds. I have upped the MaxClients setting from 150 to 250 and that is helping for now but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that max out too. The “problem” is of course the massive popularity of QGIS 2.0 windows binaries which is unfortunately crowding out other small requests.

You can see what’s up at:


I’m not sure of the negative impact of raising MaxClients but I don’t see any obvious sign of the VM being stressed with the higher client max, so maybe we should just be setting it to 500 or something big?

Best regards,


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:41 AM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> wrote:


The QGIS web site seems nice and fast for me. The download site was terribly slow to connect, even though the VM did not seem busy and ssh traffic was nice and fast. I’ve restarted apache on download.osgeo.org and now things seem better. Let me know if the problem persists.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

On 09/23/2013 01:51 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

Hi List,

currently the (new) QGIS website is very(!) slow.

Looking into the server, it does not look to be very busy there?

Is there something going on upstream? I see a large peak in Apache
accesses on both qgis.osgeo.org and download.osgeo.org.

Can we do something to make this better?


Richard Duivenvoorde

QGIS PSC Infrastructure Manager

QGIS and Download run on top of different physical hardware, so I doubt
that’s the issue. I expect there’s a higher load than previously on QGIS
from the new release.

First thing I can suggest and takes about 5 minutes, is to increase the
ram and add an additional virtual cpu. We have plenty of unallocated RAM
so I’d like to try this soon if there are now objections.

If we think there’s a network issue I can file a ticket with OSUOSL to
look into that possible issue.

Another option is I can see if both Nics are hooked up on the physical
hardware and if not ask OSUOSL to setup both and split the VMs to bridge
across in away that splits the load.


Sac mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer