[SAC] Backups on the new vms

Could we get a confirmation that the bacula backups are working
properly, and possibly a list of what is being backed up from various

After our recent experience with the download blade I'd like to make
sure that /etc/apache2 is backed up on all the machines. It may actually
be worthwhile to backup all of /etc/ since it's not very large and
contains many important configurations (like backup and munin).

I wanted to get more info about what is/isn't backed up before filing a
ticket and bringing the wiki up to date.


On Aug 2, 2010, at 3:24 PM, ext Alex Mandel wrote:

Could we get a confirmation that the bacula backups are working
properly, and possibly a list of what is being backed up from various

After our recent experience with the download blade I'd like to make
sure that /etc/apache2 is backed up on all the machines. It may actually
be worthwhile to backup all of /etc/ since it's not very large and
contains many important configurations (like backup and munin).

I wanted to get more info about what is/isn't backed up before filing a
ticket and bringing the wiki up to date.

In general, as far as I know, outside of SVN/trac, nothing is
backed up right now. The place to look is the Bacula config on
backup.osgeo.org; /etc/bacula should have the configuration

Backing up all of /etc/ on all machines seems a reasonable thing
to do in my opinion.

-- Chris

On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 12:24:54PM -0700, Alex Mandel wrote:

Could we get a confirmation that the bacula backups are working
properly, and possibly a list of what is being backed up from various

There's a daily job to make a PostgreSQL dump plus a "hotcopy" of the
various Trac projects on the "tracsvn.osgeo.osuosl.org" host. This has
been set up by Christopher Schmidt, as far as I can tell.

Additionaly, there's a system backup of the "backup.osgeo.osuosl.org"

According to the "Final Plan / osgeo3 & osgeo4" section on this Wiki


I sense there are the following machines (VM's):


.... at least there are DNS entries and I was able to log into all of
them. So far there's no DNS entry for this one:


After our recent experience with the download blade I'd like to make
sure that /etc/apache2 is backed up on all the machines. It may actually
be worthwhile to backup all of /etc/ since it's not very large and
contains many important configurations (like backup and munin).

I'm about to leave for vacation tomorrow, but since I'm the one who's
currently maintaining the Bacula setup, I'll try to make sure to
include the /etc/ - at minimum - of all the above machines into the
backup cycle, before I leave.

I won't have any network access during vacation and I expect to be back
here on August 20th.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 10:22:30PM +0200, Martin Spott wrote:

I sense there are the following machines (VM's):



I'm about to leave for vacation tomorrow, but since I'm the one who's
currently maintaining the Bacula setup, I'll try to make sure to
include the /etc/ - at minimum - of all the above machines into the
backup cycle, before I leave.


Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

christopher.schmidt wrote:

Backing up all of /etc/ on all machines seems a reasonable
thing to do in my opinion.

fwiw the debian upgrade guide recommends

"The main things you'll want to back up are the contents of /etc,
/var/lib/dpkg, /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates and the output of
dpkg --get-selections "*" (the quotes are important)."


--get-selections is nice because you can later pipe that list of packages
back at --set-selections and have it install all the packages back that
were there before in one go.
