[SAC] blacklisted mapserver

mapserver.org (the .219 blade) was blacklisted because its mail server was incorrectly configured. I have shutdown sendmail and postfix on the .219 blade. If anyone was actually using .219 to send email, these must be fixed before starting up or .219 will be blacklisted. Any of the other blades will likely suffer a similar fate if their mail servers are incorrectly setup (just turning on postfix/sendmail by default will leave its hostname to 'localhost.localdomain' which many of the HELO test'ers will flag).


Begin forwarded message:

I have shutdown sendmail and postfix on .219 and I was able to successfully delist the server from the CBL. If anyone is using any of the blades to send email, they must be configured correctly for hostname, etc, or this will happen again.



On Mar 31, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Howard Butler wrote:

We were blacklisted because sendmail or some other mailing facility on .219 is not configured correctly and is using 'localhost.localdomain' instead of its real hostname. This put us on the CBL, which IronPort then used to also black list us.




We need to get mail configured correctly on .219, or stop sending mail with .219 altogether (I don't know who/what is doing so), and then req
On Mar 31, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

John van de Vegte wrote:

Hi Frank, sorry for the fuzz,
Our firewall does not allow us to reach mapserver.org because it is running vulnerable services (see screen grab).
I assume that you guys upgraded your mapserver (at mapserver.org) and that you can be removed from the list, but you need to notify those securitytracker? people to get you cleared ?


I don't think that we (the mapserver project) can do much about
IronPort deciding to blacklist mapserver.org. I'm not aware of
any mapserver servers actually running in the mapserver.org domain
though there is a demo.mapserver.org with instances.

As far as I can see, you guys have an IT issue with how you (outsource)
blacklisting. I'm not sure that we will be that interested in dealing
with these folks to get delisted.

I've cc:ed Jeff and Howard who are primarily responsible for the web site.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Howard Butler <hobu.inc@gmail.com> wrote:

mapserver.org (the .219 blade) was blacklisted because its mail server was
incorrectly configured. I have shutdown sendmail and postfix on the .219
blade. If anyone was actually using .219 to send email, these must be fixed
before starting up or .219 will be blacklisted. Any of the other blades
will likely suffer a similar fate if their mail servers are incorrectly
setup (just turning on postfix/sendmail by default will leave its hostname
to 'localhost.localdomain' which many of the HELO test'ers will flag).

This needs to be fixed soon since

GDAL | GRASS | remotesensing.org | QGIS are affected with
their Web sites/Wiki etc.

I hope that the messages are queued locally and not lost
(registration emails and cronjob notifications).

I would like to help but postfix isn't really my domain...
One observation: in /etc/postfix/main.cf I see

inet_interfaces = localhost

but it might be
inet_interfaces = localhost
inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost
