[SAC] Buildbot instance for libLAS


Mateusz and I would like to stand up a buildbot instance for libLAS if there are no objections. All of the work (obviously) will be taken care of by us, but libLAS is not an OSGeo project (yet, though it is probably too small to ever be), so notification is in order. Note that we currently provide mailing list support for libLAS as well.

/me motions to provide libLAS with buildbot support



Hearing no objections, Mateusz and I will implement a buildbot instance for libLAS on the same TelaScience blade hosting the others.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Howard Butler <hobu.inc@gmail.com>
Date: March 29, 2009 3:13:48 PM CDT
To: System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Buildbot instance for libLAS


Mateusz and I would like to stand up a buildbot instance for libLAS if there are no objections. All of the work (obviously) will be taken care of by us, but libLAS is not an OSGeo project (yet, though it is probably too small to ever be), so notification is in order. Note that we currently provide mailing list support for libLAS as well.

/me motions to provide libLAS with buildbot support

