[SAC] changes on foss4g/web.osgeo.. server?

Anyone happen to be tweaking stuff on the web VM?
I was in to increase the upload file size limits for 2011.foss4g.org (since have changed them back)
and shortly after now I can't log into Drupal, nor do I get any errors.
So wondering if anyone else might have been poking around? Please
say yes :wink:

Nevermind, got it figured out. Why do php.ini inline comments describe
memory values as "MB", but then only accept "M" .. duh

memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)

Got it working now, thanks for listening :slight_smile:

On 2011-09-22, at 3:02 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Anyone happen to be tweaking stuff on the web VM?
I was in to increase the upload file size limits for 2011.foss4g.org (since have changed them back)
and shortly after now I can't log into Drupal, nor do I get any errors.
So wondering if anyone else might have been poking around? Please
say yes ;-)_______________________________________________
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