[SAC] DNS Updates

Hi all,

In order to remove my contact information from OSGeo DNS entries, I've updated them with Michael Gerlek (as secretary, for admin/tech contact) and Daniel Morissette (as treasurer, for billing contact). Of course anyone with access to the pairnic settings can update these as desired, but thought I'd mention that I made the changes and am no longer tracking DNS issues that might pop up.

For emails I set them to use the dnscontact@osgeo.org account (Frank, Howard currently on that alias) or treasurer@osgeo.org. And for phones, they are now set to use Michael and Daniel's numbers.

Jason Birch was still listed for some of these, hopefully they are all updated now to his liking :slight_smile:


On 9 November 2011 11:19, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Jason Birch was still listed for some of these, hopefully they are all updated now to his liking :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was still getting regular spam from someone wanting to sell me Drupal management services :slight_smile: