[SAC] download.osgeo.org:/data with no space left


I was just trying to upload some data on the xblade14 server without success.

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     87507296 83062560 0 100% /download_data

kind regards,

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:07:25AM +0200, Otto Dassau wrote:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     87507296 83062560 0 100% /download_data

I would not dare purging other people's stuff without confirmation
.... yet I might propose to (re-)move files which are explicitly
marked as being of temporary nature.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Otto Dassau<otto.dassau@gmx.de> wrote:


I was just trying to upload some data on the xblade14 server without success.

It is xblade13 indeed which is linked to xblade14.

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
87507296 83062560 0 100% /download_data

Delete candidates:
* /data/download/livedvd/ <- some old ISO files

[neteler@xblade13 download]$ du -hs *
1.2G buildkit
1.6G fdo
64M fusion
727M gdal
37M geos
310M geotiff
690M grass
4.0K index.html
108M libtiff
8.1G livedvd <<-- !!
545M logs
2.5G mapguide
168M mapserver
143M osgeo
905M osgeo4w
29G ossim <<-- !!
74M proj
24K pub
1.7G qgis
8.0K robots.txt
1.3M shapelib
1.8G webdav


Markus Neteler wrote:

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Otto Dassau<otto.dassau@gmx.de> wrote:


I was just trying to upload some data on the xblade14 server without success.

It is xblade13 indeed which is linked to xblade14.

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
                    87507296 83062560 0 100% /download_data

Delete candidates:
* /data/download/livedvd/ <- some old ISO files

8.1G livedvd <<-- !!
29G ossim <<-- !!


I have deleted some 30GB of map data I had on the same partition so we should
be in working condition again.

I would ask the livedvd and ossim folks to review their current disk use
and consider if some old versions could be dispensed with. Note that in
addition to the download disk being of finite size, it is also being
automatically backed up to osgeo2 (by rsync) and *that* disk is of finite
size too. I have checked, and it is nearing it's space limit. If the
download disk actually does fill up, it will saturate osgeo2's space
(also used for backup of osgeo1).

Best regards,
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