[SAC] Download server log rotate

Just noticed the download server vhost for downloads isn't logrotating.
I'm looking into it right now and will post once I've fixed it.

I suggest people check other important vhosts on other machines to make
sure the logs are being rotated before they get gigantic.


On 03/28/2011 05:59 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Just noticed the download server vhost for downloads isn't logrotating.
I'm looking into it right now and will post once I've fixed it.

I suggest people check other important vhosts on other machines to make
sure the logs are being rotated before they get gigantic.


Note to other admins. When naming your apache logs in your vhost config
if you do not end the name .log it will not get rotated.

Specifically looks for /var/log/apache/*.log

So _log not a good idea. I've changed the config on download to use .log
renamed the old files and I'm currently running logrotate to compress
the 3 GB access log and 1.5 GB error logs that built up.
