[SAC] fgs overview of what is completed


This is clipped out of notes that i've been taking,
I have more details for each element - what files where changed/created
that i could add. not sure on how much detail is needed. or if you need
more of an overview.



Mapguide FGS packaging

Requirements for fgs-mapguide: default fdo-3.2.0 install.

Tasks completed:

Change fgs Apache version to 2.0.59
Change fgs PHP version to 5.0.5
Modify build and install scripts for Apache and PHP
Fdo fgs-dev install scripts
Mapguide fgs-dev build and install scripts
Fgs-mapguide-base module

Directory layout of the mapguide fgs module is:

                  | |-Packages/
                  | |-Repositories/
                  | |-Resources/
                  | |-Schema/
                  | |-Temp
                  | |-Trash/
                  | |-Wfs/
                  | |-Wms/
                  | |-bin/
                  | |-lib
                  | |-proj

The result is:

fgs can install the mapguide module into the fgs environment including
all it's dependencies and the setup of mapguide environment, php.ini,
and apache.conf environment

php extensions dir is ~/fgs/apps/mapguide/webserverextensions/lib


~/fgs/apps/mapguide/server/bin/mgserver.sh set the fgs mapguide
environment and runs

Tasks uncompleted:
Automating fdo fgs install
Create init scripts to start the mgserver when fgs is started.
Create required.list to better automate the fgs install command

error when loading libphp_MgMapGuideApi.so into php
/path/to/php5: symbol lookup error: /path/to/libMgMapGuideCommon.so.7:
undefined symbol: _ZN12MgDisposableD2Ev

oops wrong address :slight_smile:

Heh, but still of interest no doubt :slight_smile: Glad to hear talk of that package...

On 4/27/07, shawn barnes <sbarnes@dmsolutions.ca> wrote:

oops wrong address :slight_smile:

Sac mailing list


Martin Spott has been working with me on LDAP/authentication issues for over a month by testing on the test machine (test.osgeo.net). We still have some outstanding issues that we need to work through, and it would be much more efficient if he were an admin on osgeo.org.

Some of the LDAP issues we're working on include:
  - #54 (LDAP security settings - self update, hide password) – OSGeo <-- security settings for self update, password hiding, etc
  - supporting LDAP authentication for TelaScience hardware
  - SSL binding support

All three of these items are partially complete, but there is still some work yet to be done to get over the hump. Martin has been very helpful and knowledgeable about LDAP, and I think he represents the kind of admin we want working on things -- do no harm (or at least, be able to undo the harm you caused :slight_smile: )

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in LDAP/authentication issues.


Howard Butler wrote:

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in LDAP/authentication issues.


I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

Howard Butler writes:

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him
administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be
involved in
LDAP/authentication issues.


Howard Butler wrote:

Martin has been very helpful and knowledgeable about LDAP, and I think he represents the kind of admin we want working on things -- do no harm (or at least, be able to undo the harm you caused :slight_smile: )

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in LDAP/authentication issues.

+1. I don't know Martin, but Howard's comments suggest that he's going to be a great addition.

Daniel Morissette

Hi Daniel,

On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 03:39:38PM -0400, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Howard Butler wrote:

>Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him
>administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in
>LDAP/authentication issues.

+1. I don't know Martin, but Howard's comments suggest that he's going
to be a great addition.

Well, I'm not necessarily a person of public concern ....

I realize that there are already quite a few members in the SA
commitee - probably more than machines to maintain :slight_smile:
Wether I'm a great addition or not - you'll see. I just thought I'd
help a little bit getting this LDAP authentication stuff into a nice
shape. For the start I guess I'd remain in lurker mode for a while
until I have an understanding who's doing which job (the people as well
as the machines).

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Definite +1 - all help with ldap is welcome and appreciated.


Howard Butler wrote:


Martin Spott has been working with me on LDAP/authentication issues for
over a month by testing on the test machine (test.osgeo.net). We still
have some outstanding issues that we need to work through, and it would
be much more efficient if he were an admin on osgeo.org.

Some of the LDAP issues we're working on include:
- http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/54 <-- security settings for self
update, password hiding, etc
- supporting LDAP authentication for TelaScience hardware
- SSL binding support

All three of these items are partially complete, but there is still some
work yet to be done to get over the hump. Martin has been very helpful
and knowledgeable about LDAP, and I think he represents the kind of
admin we want working on things -- do no harm (or at least, be able to
undo the harm you caused :slight_smile: )

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him
administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in
LDAP/authentication issues.

Sac mailing list

Declaring this motion passed. Martin, what's your pager number? :wink:


On May 9, 2007, at 3:28 PM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi Daniel,

On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 03:39:38PM -0400, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Howard Butler wrote:

Motion: I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him
administrative access on osgeo.org. He will primarily be involved in
LDAP/authentication issues.

+1. I don't know Martin, but Howard's comments suggest that he's going
to be a great addition.

Well, I'm not necessarily a person of public concern ....

I realize that there are already quite a few members in the SA
commitee - probably more than machines to maintain :slight_smile:
Wether I'm a great addition or not - you'll see. I just thought I'd
help a little bit getting this LDAP authentication stuff into a nice
shape. For the start I guess I'd remain in lurker mode for a while
until I have an understanding who's doing which job (the people as well
as the machines).

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
Sac mailing list
Sac Info Page

Hi together,

On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 11:10:20PM -0500, Howard Butler wrote:

Declaring this motion passed. Martin, what's your pager number? :wink:

Thanks for your confidence !

Even though I'm paying my rent from planning and administering Network
and Unix setups, I fortunately never had to carry a pager. I'm doing
this on a freelance basis so, to say it simple, there is no 'boss' who
could trigger my pager :slight_smile:

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !