[SAC] FOSS4G 2008 broken?

seems like something broke in the FOSS4G 2008 setup, the links don't
direct to a working copy of the conference:

goes to:

goes to:

Both don't work.

Best regards,

President, OSGeo

On 12-01-29 09:46 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

seems like something broke in the FOSS4G 2008 setup, the links don't
direct to a working copy of the conference:

goes to:

goes to:


I looked into this briefly. The 2008 web site was managed using OCS.
OCS is currently living on the webextra VM. I'm not who migrated it
there from osgeo1, but to the best I can understand it is not working
properly and I don't know why.

I gather the data for the conference live in mysql.


OK, after some more fiddling I found that one of the .php files in
/osgeo/ocs2/ocs-2.1.1-2/cache appeared to be truncated. Under the
assumption items in a directory called cache were recreateable I
erased all the .php files in this directory. Magically everything worked
after that.

I'm not sure how things got into this state, but it is working now.

It is my personal opinion that depending on a running instance of
OCS for the 2008 site is very fragile and it would be nice if we could
somehow extract a static web site for that conference with all the
valuable materials.

However, that isn't something I really want to take on.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://home.gdal.org/warmerda
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> wrote:

On 12-01-29 09:46 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:




I'm not sure how things got into this state, but it is working now.

It is my personal opinion that depending on a running instance of
OCS for the 2008 site is very fragile and it would be nice if we could
somehow extract a static web site for that conference with all the
valuable materials.

That could be done with "httrack" which, to my knowledge, works fairly



I have created a ticket for this issue.


I’ll try and take a look tonight but my OCS foo is weak. If it isn’t
relatively obvious I may need help. I can provide access to the VM
if you are interested in looking around.

Best regards,

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Gavin <gavinjfleming@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks to whoever brought the foss4g2008 site back up. It looks like it’s running on OCS or is it an httrack copy?

Most of it seems to be there except for the downloadable content. I clicked through to some presentations and none that I tried download: e.g http://conference.osgeo.org/index.php/foss4g/2008/paper/view/344/150 . i think it’s pretty valuable to have all the presentations archived there, so what can be done to retrieve them?


On Sun, 2012-01-29 at 12:46 -0500, Arnulf Christl wrote:

seems like something broke in the FOSS4G 2008 setup, the links don't
direct to a working copy of the conference:

goes to:

goes to:

Both don't work.

Best regards,

<br>-- <br>Gavin Fleming<br>t: 0218620670<br>c: 0845965680<br>f: 0866164820<br>Paarl<br>South Africa<br>18°59'18.8"E 33°44'40.2"S<br><br>

Conference_dev mailing list

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer