[SAC] foss4g europe ticket


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247
Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp

Hash: SHA1

I briefly checked the ticket and it should probably split into several
tasks to get done. There are some technical issues like DNS management
(I cannot do), mailing list aliases (can do, once domain is available
/ or decision for subdomaining: europe.foss... has been taken).

Redirecting to http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~foss4g-europe/
should only be temporary until the neutral URL is ready. Can you
please make sure that FOSS4G-E will then be available under it's own

Renaming the mailing list is a hassle and will break archives, Nabble
searches, etc. I can instead offer to close it down and create a new
one called foss4g-e and copy all existing users over. If there are no
complaints form SAC against doing this you can make this a new ticket
and assign it to me.

All the rest belongs somewhere else but for lack of the right address
I hope you can pick it up and carry it where it can be discussed by
the "right" people.

The FOSS4G-CEE to FOSS4G-E "migration" was a bit haphazard, caused
confusion and plenty of disgruntled mails in the background. The main
problem was a lack of open communication and allowing time for people
to answer. I just read your request on the conference-dev list asking
for discussion. This is maybe not the right place because conf-dev
sort of feels responsible for FOSS4G global only. We might want to
request that committee to widen it's scope?

Setting up and running a regional FOSS4G events (or with their own
name) have so far been handled by the Local Chapters. In Germany this
would have been the FOSSGIS e.V. I have not checked how many FOSSGIS
organizers are on conference-dev. My guess is not many. I'll try to
follow-up on that mail and include related mailing lists.

In general I am not sure how to position FOSS4G-E "against" things
like FOSSGIS, gfoss.it, OSGIS-UK and so on. Will FOSS4G-E "take over"
these events or replace them or should they even compete? All
questions we need to look into - but not sure what is the right place
to do this. Very apparently the FOSS4G-CEE mailing list is not enough.


On 11/18/2013 12:19 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

- --
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/



Dne 18.11.2013 13:05, Seven (aka Arnulf) napsal(a):

I briefly checked the ticket and it should probably split into several
tasks to get done. There are some technical issues like DNS management
(I cannot do), mailing list aliases (can do, once domain is available
/ or decision for subdomaining: europe.foss... has been taken).

Redirecting to http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~foss4g-europe/
should only be temporary until the neutral URL is ready. Can you
please make sure that FOSS4G-E will then be available under it's own

What do you mean with "available under it's own domain"? In the
discussion we had so far, it was agreed, that the domain will be


currently runnin and working. As far as I understand, if there is alias
working on europe.foss4g.org, which will redirect the requests to target
server, it will work(?)


should be expire within some time and not be used any more.

Renaming the mailing list is a hassle and will break archives, Nabble
searches, etc. I can instead offer to close it down and create a new
one called foss4g-e and copy all existing users over. If there are no
complaints form SAC against doing this you can make this a new ticket
and assign it to me.

OK, I'm all for closing foss4g-cee, creating new mailing list for
foss4g-europe and possibly move all registred adresses there as well.

I'll submit the ticket for you


All the rest belongs somewhere else but for lack of the right address
I hope you can pick it up and carry it where it can be discussed by
the "right" people.

The FOSS4G-CEE to FOSS4G-E "migration" was a bit haphazard, caused
confusion and plenty of disgruntled mails in the background. The main
problem was a lack of open communication and allowing time for people
to answer. I just read your request on the conference-dev list asking
for discussion. This is maybe not the right place because conf-dev
sort of feels responsible for FOSS4G global only. We might want to
request that committee to widen it's scope?

Proposals for concrete communities are thankfully accepted.

Setting up and running a regional FOSS4G events (or with their own
name) have so far been handled by the Local Chapters. In Germany this
would have been the FOSSGIS e.V. I have not checked how many FOSSGIS
organizers are on conference-dev. My guess is not many. I'll try to
follow-up on that mail and include related mailing lists.

In general I am not sure how to position FOSS4G-E "against" things
like FOSSGIS, gfoss.it, OSGIS-UK and so on. Will FOSS4G-E "take over"
these events or replace them or should they even compete? All
questions we need to look into - but not sure what is the right place
to do this. Very apparently the FOSS4G-CEE mailing list is not enough.

Note: Maria Brovelli from OSGeo.it is at the organisation team, we were
in touch with Marco Lachner from FOSSGIS e.V., we are in touch with OSM
according to Susanne etc. We are doing our best and hoping, that it will
be better

thanks for your input, are you interested in



On 11/18/2013 12:19 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp

Hash: SHA1

On 18.11.2013 13:54, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


Dne 18.11.2013 13:05, Seven (aka Arnulf) napsal(a):

I briefly checked the ticket and it should probably split into several
tasks to get done. There are some technical issues like DNS management
(I cannot do), mailing list aliases (can do, once domain is available
/ or decision for subdomaining: europe.foss... has been taken).

Redirecting to http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~foss4g-europe/
should only be temporary until the neutral URL is ready. Can you
please make sure that FOSS4G-E will then be available under it's own

What do you mean with "available under it's own domain"? In the
discussion we had so far, it was agreed, that the domain will be


Hi Jachym,
foss4g.org was down but is back up running now (thanks Martin). Both
http://2014.europe.foss4g.org/ and
do not exist or do not work yet.

http://foss4g-e.org/ works and has a nice landing space. So this is
apparently only waiting for DNS configuration. I just want to make sure
that the URL does not change during conference preparation and confuse
people. The first links are already out there. We should make sure that
as long we have foss4g-e.org we let it redirect to http://europe.foss4g.org/


currently runnin and working. As far as I understand, if there is alias
working on europe.foss4g.org, which will redirect the requests to target
server, it will work(?)


should be expire within some time and not be used any more.

Renaming the mailing list is a hassle and will break archives, Nabble
searches, etc. I can instead offer to close it down and create a new
one called foss4g-e and copy all existing users over. If there are no
complaints form SAC against doing this you can make this a new ticket
and assign it to me.

OK, I'm all for closing foss4g-cee, creating new mailing list for
foss4g-europe and possibly move all registred adresses there as well.

I'll submit the ticket for you


All the rest belongs somewhere else but for lack of the right address
I hope you can pick it up and carry it where it can be discussed by
the "right" people.

The FOSS4G-CEE to FOSS4G-E "migration" was a bit haphazard, caused
confusion and plenty of disgruntled mails in the background. The main
problem was a lack of open communication and allowing time for people
to answer. I just read your request on the conference-dev list asking
for discussion. This is maybe not the right place because conf-dev
sort of feels responsible for FOSS4G global only. We might want to
request that committee to widen it's scope?

Proposals for concrete communities are thankfully accepted.

Setting up and running a regional FOSS4G events (or with their own
name) have so far been handled by the Local Chapters. In Germany this
would have been the FOSSGIS e.V. I have not checked how many FOSSGIS
organizers are on conference-dev. My guess is not many. I'll try to
follow-up on that mail and include related mailing lists.

In general I am not sure how to position FOSS4G-E "against" things
like FOSSGIS, gfoss.it, OSGIS-UK and so on. Will FOSS4G-E "take over"
these events or replace them or should they even compete? All
questions we need to look into - but not sure what is the right place
to do this. Very apparently the FOSS4G-CEE mailing list is not enough.

Note: Maria Brovelli from OSGeo.it is at the organisation team, we were
in touch with Marco Lachner from FOSSGIS e.V., we are in touch with OSM
according to Susanne etc. We are doing our best and hoping, that it will
be better

thanks for your input, are you interested in



On 11/18/2013 12:19 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


On 11/18/2013 03:19 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247

I think there are still some questions. I ended up putting in a proxy
just to make it work for now. But if you're going to host everything
over on the server indicated should we just point the DNS directly
there? Or did you want to move the site over to an osgeo server?

Mostly this all gets more complicated when dealing with SSL for logins.

Email stuff is completely out of my hands but that looks like others are
looking into it. Agreed the DNS and email stuff are separate tickets and
Arnulf's questions about branding are an even bigger discussion amongst
all the current europe conference groups.


Alex, big thanks for you work on this.

In aliment with #1247, we agreed, that

1) europe.foss4g.org/index.html will be static page, preferably on OSGeo
server, pointing to every year's conference page

2) europe.foss4g.org/YEAR will point to every year servers, hosted by
local organization committee (every year different).

Reason for this: avoid any work from OSGeo system admins in the future,
so that we can go on year after year using this configuration, by just
adding new YEAR redirection to yet-another-server.

Basically, I'm all for *any* solution, which will lead to the state,
where we will have infrastructure, which could be easy setuped every
year. As you are writing, DNS would be best solution (not sure, whether
europe.fos4g.org/2014 can be considered as valid DNS record).

I think, moving conference page to osgeo server would be too complicated
(server admins would have to change year-after year, it will be usually
probably hosted on some university server ...) I'm not sure, what it
would mean for you guys, and I just want to avoid any future work, since
I appreciate what you are already doing for us (OSGeo).

Thank you


Dne 18.11.2013 19:34, Alex Mandel napsal(a):

On 11/18/2013 03:19 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247

I think there are still some questions. I ended up putting in a proxy
just to make it work for now. But if you're going to host everything
over on the server indicated should we just point the DNS directly
there? Or did you want to move the site over to an osgeo server?

Mostly this all gets more complicated when dealing with SSL for logins.

Email stuff is completely out of my hands but that looks like others are
looking into it. Agreed the DNS and email stuff are separate tickets and
Arnulf's questions about branding are an even bigger discussion amongst
all the current europe conference groups.


Sac mailing list

Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp

Hash: SHA1

all fine except that for archiving reasons it may be good to copy a
static copy of the conference pages to OSGeo servers eventually - at
latest after the event. Therefore maybe the LOC would be happy to
maintain the web site on OSGeo servers to start with.

We might want to advise the LOC to implement their event website in an
archivable format (avoid dynamic systems which require lots of
maintenance, etc.). Registration, paper submission, etc. can be dynamic
and get thrown away after use. The main page, abstract and presentation
archive should be simple HTML.

Once agreed this is again something for the handbook...


On 19.11.2013 21:20, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

Alex, big thanks for you work on this.

In aliment with #1247, we agreed, that

1) europe.foss4g.org/index.html will be static page, preferably on OSGeo
server, pointing to every year's conference page

2) europe.foss4g.org/YEAR will point to every year servers, hosted by
local organization committee (every year different).

Reason for this: avoid any work from OSGeo system admins in the future,
so that we can go on year after year using this configuration, by just
adding new YEAR redirection to yet-another-server.

Basically, I'm all for *any* solution, which will lead to the state,
where we will have infrastructure, which could be easy setuped every
year. As you are writing, DNS would be best solution (not sure, whether
europe.fos4g.org/2014 can be considered as valid DNS record).

I think, moving conference page to osgeo server would be too complicated
(server admins would have to change year-after year, it will be usually
probably hosted on some university server ...) I'm not sure, what it
would mean for you guys, and I just want to avoid any future work, since
I appreciate what you are already doing for us (OSGeo).

Thank you


Dne 18.11.2013 19:34, Alex Mandel napsal(a):

On 11/18/2013 03:19 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247

I think there are still some questions. I ended up putting in a proxy
just to make it work for now. But if you're going to host everything
over on the server indicated should we just point the DNS directly
there? Or did you want to move the site over to an osgeo server?

Mostly this all gets more complicated when dealing with SSL for logins.

Email stuff is completely out of my hands but that looks like others are
looking into it. Agreed the DNS and email stuff are separate tickets and
Arnulf's questions about branding are an even bigger discussion amongst
all the current europe conference groups.


Sac mailing list

Sac mailing list

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


Hash: SHA1

On 21.11.2013 00:38, Steven Feldman wrote:

I'd hesitate to be too proscriptive about how the LOC develops their web
content or to risk stifling innovation. I'd also question whether ease
of archiving should be a major criteria in designing the web presence
for an event

Yes it should. We want to have an archive of FOSS4G events. Experience
shows that kindly provided ad-hoc servers suddenly disappear. OSGeo can
provide the continuity which is required to have a gapless record of
FOSS4G events.



On 20 Nov 2013, at 10:10, "Seven (aka Arnulf)" <seven@arnulf.us
<mailto:seven@arnulf.us>> wrote:

all fine except that for archiving reasons it may be good to copy a
static copy of the conference pages to OSGeo servers eventually - at
latest after the event. Therefore maybe the LOC would be happy to
maintain the web site on OSGeo servers to start with.

We might want to advise the LOC to implement their event website in an
archivable format (avoid dynamic systems which require lots of
maintenance, etc.). Registration, paper submission, etc. can be dynamic
and get thrown away after use. The main page, abstract and presentation
archive should be simple HTML.

Once agreed this is again something for the handbook...


On 19.11.2013 21:20, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

Alex, big thanks for you work on this.

In aliment with #1247, we agreed, that

1) europe.foss4g.org/index.html <http://europe.foss4g.org/index.html&gt;
will be static page, preferably on OSGeo
server, pointing to every year's conference page

2) europe.foss4g.org/YEAR <http://europe.foss4g.org/YEAR&gt; will point
to every year servers, hosted by
local organization committee (every year different).

Reason for this: avoid any work from OSGeo system admins in the future,
so that we can go on year after year using this configuration, by just
adding new YEAR redirection to yet-another-server.

Basically, I'm all for *any* solution, which will lead to the state,
where we will have infrastructure, which could be easy setuped every
year. As you are writing, DNS would be best solution (not sure, whether
europe.fos4g.org/2014 <http://europe.fos4g.org/2014&gt; can be
considered as valid DNS record).

I think, moving conference page to osgeo server would be too complicated
(server admins would have to change year-after year, it will be usually
probably hosted on some university server ...) I'm not sure, what it
would mean for you guys, and I just want to avoid any future work, since
I appreciate what you are already doing for us (OSGeo).

Thank you


Dne 18.11.2013 19:34, Alex Mandel napsal(a):

On 11/18/2013 03:19 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247

I think there are still some questions. I ended up putting in a proxy
just to make it work for now. But if you're going to host everything
over on the server indicated should we just point the DNS directly
there? Or did you want to move the site over to an osgeo server?

Mostly this all gets more complicated when dealing with SSL for logins.

Email stuff is completely out of my hands but that looks like others are
looking into it. Agreed the DNS and email stuff are separate tickets and
Arnulf's questions about branding are an even bigger discussion amongst
all the current europe conference groups.


Sac mailing list
Sac@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Sac@lists.osgeo.org>

Sac mailing list
Sac@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Sac@lists.osgeo.org>

Conference_dev mailing list

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven@arnulf.us> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 21.11.2013 00:38, Steven Feldman wrote:

I'd hesitate to be too proscriptive about how the LOC develops their web
content or to risk stifling innovation. I'd also question whether ease
of archiving should be a major criteria in designing the web presence
for an event

Yes it should. We want to have an archive of FOSS4G events. Experience
shows that kindly provided ad-hoc servers suddenly disappear. OSGeo can
provide the continuity which is required to have a gapless record of
FOSS4G events.

Yes, this is very important, especially for the academic track.
Even a httrack copy is better than everything lost.

Furthermore a long term archive helps the casual internaut understand
that the conferences are not ad-hoc but a series of important




On 20 Nov 2013, at 10:10, "Seven (aka Arnulf)" <seven@arnulf.us
<mailto:seven@arnulf.us>> wrote:

all fine except that for archiving reasons it may be good to copy a
static copy of the conference pages to OSGeo servers eventually - at
latest after the event. Therefore maybe the LOC would be happy to
maintain the web site on OSGeo servers to start with.

We might want to advise the LOC to implement their event website in an
archivable format (avoid dynamic systems which require lots of
maintenance, etc.). Registration, paper submission, etc. can be dynamic
and get thrown away after use. The main page, abstract and presentation
archive should be simple HTML.

Once agreed this is again something for the handbook...


On 19.11.2013 21:20, Jachym Cepicky wrote:

Alex, big thanks for you work on this.

In aliment with #1247, we agreed, that

1) europe.foss4g.org/index.html <http://europe.foss4g.org/index.html&gt;
will be static page, preferably on OSGeo
server, pointing to every year's conference page

2) europe.foss4g.org/YEAR <http://europe.foss4g.org/YEAR&gt; will point
to every year servers, hosted by
local organization committee (every year different).

Reason for this: avoid any work from OSGeo system admins in the future,
so that we can go on year after year using this configuration, by just
adding new YEAR redirection to yet-another-server.

Basically, I'm all for *any* solution, which will lead to the state,
where we will have infrastructure, which could be easy setuped every
year. As you are writing, DNS would be best solution (not sure, whether
europe.fos4g.org/2014 <http://europe.fos4g.org/2014&gt; can be
considered as valid DNS record).

I think, moving conference page to osgeo server would be too complicated
(server admins would have to change year-after year, it will be usually
probably hosted on some university server ...) I'm not sure, what it
would mean for you guys, and I just want to avoid any future work, since
I appreciate what you are already doing for us (OSGeo).

Thank you


Dne 18.11.2013 19:34, Alex Mandel napsal(a):

On 11/18/2013 03:19 AM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:


could please anybody have a short look at the ticket #1247, regarding
setting up the domain and e-mail adresses for the FOSS4G-Europe
organization committee?

Do you have still some quiestions, which need to be clarified? Is it
"just" lack of time?



[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1247

I think there are still some questions. I ended up putting in a proxy
just to make it work for now. But if you're going to host everything
over on the server indicated should we just point the DNS directly
there? Or did you want to move the site over to an osgeo server?

Mostly this all gets more complicated when dealing with SSL for logins.

Email stuff is completely out of my hands but that looks like others are
looking into it. Agreed the DNS and email stuff are separate tickets and
Arnulf's questions about branding are an even bigger discussion amongst
all the current europe conference groups.


Sac mailing list
Sac@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Sac@lists.osgeo.org>

Sac mailing list
Sac@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Sac@lists.osgeo.org>

Conference_dev mailing list

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/

Conference_dev mailing list