[SAC] Friday black for Climate

Hi SAC, OSGeo Board Members, stakeholders -

Green marketers are backing a "climate strike" on Friday, 20sep19, which includes many public-facing actions, symbolic or otherwise.

One marketer is writing "many websites will go dark for the climate-strike" (TriplePundit)

I suggest that we put a one-day "black banner" on some sites here -- it is political, but I feel that the actual air, dirt and water that all life depends on, transcends politics.

a quick poll shows that there is Board support for this, no downside, so let's do it.

best regards from Berkeley, California --Brian

On 9/18/19 15:32, Brian M Hamlin wrote:

Hi SAC, OSGeo Board Members, stakeholders -

Green marketers are backing a "climate strike" on Friday, 20sep19, which
includes many public-facing actions, symbolic or otherwise.

One marketer is writing "many websites will go dark for the
climate-strike" (TriplePundit)

I suggest that we put a one-day "black banner" on some sites here -- it
is political, but I feel that the actual air, dirt and water that all
life depends on, transcends politics.

a quick poll shows that there is Board support for this, no downside,
so let's do it.

best regards from Berkeley, California --Brian

If the board officially votes for this and we have sufficient personnel
to implement that is all that is required.
