[SAC] Google Pageranks

I saw a handy script to nab the google pagerank of a site, and I put a number of OSGeo sites through it. I don't know that they mean much, but they indicate what google thinks of us in some way.


http://gdal.org : 6
http://geonetwork-opensource.org/ : 6
http://geoserver.org : 6
http://geotools.org : 6
http://gispython.org : 5
http://grass.osgeo.org : 6
http://gvsig.org : 5
http://mapguide.osgeo.org/ : 5
http://mapnik.org : 5
http://mapserver.org : 7
http://openlayers.org : 6
http://osgeo.org : 7
http://ossim.org : 5
http://postgis.org : 7
http://qgis.org : 7
http://www.deegree.org/ : 6
http://www.mapbender.org/ : 6

Howard Butler wrote:

I saw a handy script to nab the google pagerank of a site, and I put a number of OSGeo sites through it. I don't know that they mean much, but they indicate what google thinks of us in some way.


http://gdal.org : 6
http://geonetwork-opensource.org/ : 6
http://geoserver.org : 6
http://geotools.org : 6
http://gispython.org : 5
http://grass.osgeo.org : 6
http://gvsig.org : 5
http://mapguide.osgeo.org/ : 5
http://mapnik.org : 5
http://mapserver.org : 7
http://openlayers.org : 6
http://osgeo.org : 7
http://ossim.org : 5
http://postgis.org : 7
http://qgis.org : 7
http://www.deegree.org/ : 6
http://www.mapbender.org/ : 6

While still foggy(It's a complicated algorithm), the closer to 10 the
more "Popular" a site is on some sort of non-linear scale. So a change
in 1 value is actually quite large.
