[SAC] Help managing planet site

Hi all, I'm getting a few more requests for adding/editing/managing the planet.osgeo.org site than I can effectively handle. I would like to get off this project and let someone else manage it if possible. I was originally a backup admin but everyone else has disappeared hehe :slight_smile: and I'm the bottleneck. It's still only a few people every couple weeks.

Any takers? Or else I guess I'll ask for volunteers on the discuss list.

FYI - Paolo Corti and Jorge Sanz (Jorge has planet venus experience) both offered to help out running the planet tools. I've added them to the planet@osgeo.org alias and am setting up their ssh public keys so they can access the server for administrative tasks. That will help fill the holes we currently have and hopefully give some new life and fewer bottlenecks :slight_smile:

Any concerns, let me know,

On 2011-04-07, at 8:51 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Hi all, I'm getting a few more requests for adding/editing/managing the planet.osgeo.org site than I can effectively handle. I would like to get off this project and let someone else manage it if possible. I was originally a backup admin but everyone else has disappeared hehe :slight_smile: and I'm the bottleneck. It's still only a few people every couple weeks.

Any takers? Or else I guess I'll ask for volunteers on the discuss list.
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