[SAC] Host for MapGuide and Interoperability Work

I have some requirements for a public server and I am wondering if it would be possible to allocate a Telescience blade or portion of one to satisfy them. In particular the machine would be used to:

1. Host MapGuide sample applications for mapguide.osgeo.org.

2. Develop interoperability demos with other members of the community for some upcoming talks/workshops. In particular a MapGuide / GeoTools / GeoServer interop demo for Location Intelligence (April) and a MapGuide / PostGIS / uDIG workshop at GeoTec (May).


Robert Bray wrote:

I have some requirements for a public server and I am wondering if it would be possible to allocate a Telescience blade or portion of one to satisfy them. In particular the machine would be used to:

1. Host MapGuide sample applications for mapguide.osgeo.org.

2. Develop interoperability demos with other members of the community for some upcoming talks/workshops. In particular a MapGuide / GeoTools / GeoServer interop demo for Location Intelligence (April) and a MapGuide / PostGIS / uDIG workshop at GeoTec (May).


How much disk space do you think you would need? The blades have rather
modest amounts of disk space. If your needs aren't to high a "half" of
a server like shell.telascience.org might do.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

I'll want to install MapGuide, PostGIS, GeoTools, and probably a GeoServer instance, none of which by themselves require a significant amount of space. So the sample data is the only real variable, however I do not think I would need more than 3-5 GB of space for the software and a handful of smallish data sets. Obviously if we go crazy with data for these demos that could grow...


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Robert Bray wrote:

I have some requirements for a public server and I am wondering if it would be possible to allocate a Telescience blade or portion of one to satisfy them. In particular the machine would be used to:

1. Host MapGuide sample applications for mapguide.osgeo.org.

2. Develop interoperability demos with other members of the community for some upcoming talks/workshops. In particular a MapGuide / GeoTools / GeoServer interop demo for Location Intelligence (April) and a MapGuide / PostGIS / uDIG workshop at GeoTec (May).


How much disk space do you think you would need? The blades have rather
modest amounts of disk space. If your needs aren't to high a "half" of
a server like shell.telascience.org might do.

Best regards,

Robert Bray wrote:

I'll want to install MapGuide, PostGIS, GeoTools, and probably a GeoServer instance, none of which by themselves require a significant amount of space. So the sample data is the only real variable, however I do not think I would need more than 3-5 GB of space for the software and a handful of smallish data sets. Obviously if we go crazy with data for these demos that could grow...

Bob (and John),

The servers are listed at:


1) xblade10 (.215) used for mapbender also has open solaris download images
taking up 10GB of space, and has only about 3GB free. If John didn't need
the the solaris images anymore, I'd suggest this as an excellent host for
the purpose.

2) xblade13 (.218) has roughly 6GB free I believe, and would do, but I think
the intent was to use this machine for a variety of shell access needs and so
there might be some doubt of it's stability.

3) xblade14 (.219) has roughly 9GB free, but with the buildbot, and download
server already configured on this system I believe the space will be consumed
by those services over time, so I'd rather not see it on this machine.

So my suggestion would be (1) if John doesn't mind removing the solaris
images, otherwise (2). John - what do you think?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org