[SAC] [Hosting] Ganeti Internal Node Rebuild - Nov 30, 2017 3:00pm PST (Nov 30 2300 UTC)

Service(s) affected:

The following hosts will need to be non-live migrated to their secondary nodes (i.e. shutdown and start is required):

ash.osuosl.org (lists.osuosl.org, OSL mail store, OSL shell server)
ds2.osuosl.org (ldap2.osuosl.org)
hemlock.osuosl.org (smtp2.osuosl.org)
mon2.osuosl.org (munin)
openpower-controller.osuosl.org (OpenPOWER OpenStack controller)
oprod-controller1.osuosl.org (OSL OpenStack controller)

We expect the outages for each host to be short (under 5 minutes each) since they are VMs.

Outage Window:
Start: Thu, Nov 30, 3:00PM PST (Thu Nov 30 2300 UTC)
End: Thu, Nov 30, 5:00PM PST (Fri Dec 1 0100 UTC)

Reason for outage:

We’re in the midst of rebuilding our Ganeti clusters to CentOS 7 and managed via Chef. The first step will be to rebuild our internal Ganeti cluster which hosts some OSL specific hosts, some of which are running shared services such as Mailman and LDAP. This specific outage will free up ginternal2 so that it can be rebuilt and added back as a Ganeti node. All secondary instances attached to this node will remain and be re-synced once the node has been rebuilt and added back as a node. All VM data stored on this node will remain intact during the rebuild as only the OS partition will be rebuilt.

We’re also going to take advantage of this downtime to replace the RAID batteries on this node. We’ll be doing the same for the last node in this cluster later next week depending on how this rebuild goes and will send another email out for that outage.

If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.

Projects affected:

None specifically


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab