[SAC] [Hosting] IPv6 Enabled on General VLANs


​We have just enabled IPv6 on​ all four of our general VLANs. If you have a host that resides in one of the following IPv4 subnets [1] and would like to have an IPv6 IP address, please submit a ticket to support@osuosl.org with the subject “Requesting IPv6 for $projectname”. If you have already submitted a ticket in the past regarding IPv6, I will be replying to you shortly.

In other news, I have enabled querying over IPv6 on ns{1,2}.auth.osuosl.org and ns{1,2}.osuosl.org (please see their AAAA records). We are also working on rebuilding our DNS infrastructure within the next 3-6 months to using Bind instead of djbdns which will hopefully include support for DNSSEC and TSIG.

I have also sent out emails to the other projects who have their own VLANs regarding enabling IPv6. If you did not see those emails, please let me know directly.

Thank you!



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab