[SAC] [Hosting] IPv6: Request Deployment Feedback


We’re finally having time to work on IPv6 at the OSL. Before we start deploying it, I wanted to get some feedback from all of you and give you a brief summary on how we’re planning on deploying it.

  1. We’re planning on doing static IPv6 assignments for now. We may implement either DHCPv6 or SLACC later, but for now that isn’t feasible for us currently. If this is a problem, please let me know.

  2. We’re assigning larger customers a /56 reservation and assigning /64’s inside of those for the actual subnets. This gives us 256 /56’s and each /56 have 256 /64’s. If you need something larger than that, please let me know.

  3. Each current vlan/subnet is going to have it’s own /64 assigned to it.​ I’m working on how we’re actually going to reserve it and will work with each project on that reservation.

  4. We won’t have forward IPv6 DNS working initially for anything under our domains, but we are working on migrating to a newer system that uses Bind within the next 3-6 months. We are looking at ways for us to at least offer reverse IPv6 DNS.

  5. Once we have the /56 delegations assigned, we’re going to enable IPv6 on OSL internal VLANs first to do testing. After that, we will work with the larger customers to enable it on their subnets. At some point, we’ll start enabling it on our General servers VLANs.

If you have any questions or concerns about our IPv6 deployment plan, please let me know directly.

And thank you for your patience. I realize this has been an ongoing thing for many years.



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Lance Albertson <lance@osuosl.org> wrote:

4. We won't have forward IPv6 DNS working initially for anything under our
domains, but we are working on migrating to a newer system that uses Bind
within the next 3-6 months. We are looking at ways for us to at least offer
reverse IPv6 DNS.

​Upon further investigation​ I have figured out that we can provide IPv6
DNS (forward and reverse) using our current system. Although its a bit of a
pain on how to implement it, it's doable. We should also be able to
delegate reverse zones but I need to verify that as well.

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab


​I have our first host online using IPv6. It's a test VM and I would like
to have feedback on connectivity to it. Please test pinging ipv6.osuosl.org
and accessing the webpage for it. It's IPv6 address
is 2605:bc80:3010:1::f055:c0de. I've tested it on a few external networks I
have access to but it would be great to hear if you have any issues
connecting to it.


Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab