[SAC] [Hosting] Mail Relay Migration (smtp2 & smtp4) - Tue, Feb 23, 2021, 10am-4pm PST (1800-0000 UTC)


Service(s) affected: smtp2 & smtp4 mail relay migration

We’re going to be migrating smtp2.osuosl.org smtp4.osuosl.org to a new Chef managed CentOS 8 based system. We will be transferring all mail still in the queue to the new node so that none of the mail should be lost. This shouldn’t impact anyone at all if it all goes well but I wanted to send this notice out just in case.

I will plan on doing smtp2 first and then do smtp4 after that migration is completed. This should finish the migration of our mail relays to the new platform.


Maintenance Window:
Start: Tue, Feb 23, 10:00AM PST (Tue Feb 23 1800 UTC)
End: Tue, Feb 23, 4:00 PM PST (Wed Feb 24 0000 UTC)


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

This migration has been completed. All four of our mail relays have now been migrated. Thanks for your support and patience!


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab