[SAC] [Hosting] Mail Relay Migration (smtp3) - Mon, Feb 8, 2021, 2:15-4:45pm PST (2215-0045 UTC)


Service(s) affected: smtp3 mail relay migration

We’re going to be migrating one (smtp3.osuosl.org) of our four (4) mail relays to a new Chef managed CentOS 8 based system from a few remaining CFEngine Gentoo systems that have been running for years. We will be transferring all mail still in the queue to the new node so that none of the mail should be lost. This shouldn’t impact anyone at all if it all goes well but I wanted to send this notice out just in case.

This has been a long time coming and we’re finally at the point that we’re making the switch for at least one of the nodes. We’re planning on letting this node run for about a week to ensure we don’t have any issues and will continue migrating the other nodes at a later date.


Maintenance Window:

Start: Mon, Feb 8, 2:15PM PST (Mon Feb 8 2215 UTC)
End: Mon, Feb 8, 4:45PM PST (Tue Feb 9 0045 UTC)


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

This migration has been completed and as far as we know everything is working as expected. Please let us know via email, IRC, or twitter if something doesn’t seem correct.



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

It was discovered this morning that a few domains were failing with “Relay access denied”. Unfortunately, it looks like we had missed about a half dozen domains when we migrated to the new server. I just deployed a fix for this on smtp3. Apologies if you had any issues with that. We’ll continue to monitor the logs and make sure we didn’t miss anything else.



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab