[SAC] [Hosting] MAINTENANCE: pg2.osuosl.org server move and outage - Sep 24, 2018 9:00AM PDT (Sep 24 1600 UTC)

Service(s) affected: Any website or application which uses pg2.osuosl.org for PostgreSQL services.

We will be performing a server move for pg2.osuosl.org into another rack. During this downtime, any application or service which uses the PostgreSQL services on this machine will be offline. Unfortunately we do not (yet) have a proper PostgreSQL cluster so that we could fail over the service to another machine. We are planning on getting this deployed later this year hopefully.

Outage Window:

Start: Mon, Sep 24, 9:00AM PDT (Mon Sep 24 1600 UTC)
End: Mon, Sep 24, 11:00AM PDT (Mon Sep 24 1800 UTC)

Reason for outage:

This outage actually serves several purposes:

  1. We need to rotate the rack this server is currently in and this is the last machine hosted in it. The rack needs to be rotated in order to work on completing a multi-year project of converting the data center into a proper hot/cold aisle setup. After this move we can rotate the last 3 of 4 racks.

  2. This machine needs a reboot to update the BIOS and other firmware running on the machine

  3. This machine also needs a reboot to get it on a newer kernel which mitigates the various CPU vulnerabilities we’ve encountered this year.
    We’ll have the cables pre-plumbed and ready before the move so I don’t expect the downtime to actually last any longer than around 20-30 minutes if all goes well. Please contact me ASAP if this window does not work for you and your project.


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

This move has been completed and the postgres service should be back online. Please let me know if you have any issues connecting.



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab