[SAC] [Hosting] ns2.osuosl.org maintenance - June 11, 2018 10am PDT (June 11, 2018 1500 UTC)

Service(s) affected: ns2.osuosl.org ns2.auth.osuosl.org

During this time, the DNS and DHCP services on this host will be offline.

Outage Window:
Start: Mon, June 11, 10:00AM PDT (Mon June 11 1500 UTC)
End: Mon, June 11, 11:00AM PDT (Mon June 11 1600 UTC)

Reason for outage

​The hardware which currently hosts ns2.osuosl.org has been unstable and we’re going to be migrating this service to a different machine.​ We’re going to attempt simply moving the hard drives from this machine to the new machine since it’s the same type of machine. If this works then the outage should be fairly short (under 10 minutes).

Our backup plan is to put the drives back into the original machine and do a clean install and deployment on the newer system. I will send an email to the list if we end up going with that option which will also extend the outage window by at least an additional hour.

If you want to reduce the effects of this outage, you can add the following to your /etc/resolv.conf (assuming your system is new enough):

options rotate timeout:2

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab