[SAC] [Hosting] Planned power grid work between March 28-30, 2019 impacting OSL data center


The building that our primary data center is housed in (Kerr Administration Building) is having some work done on it’s power grid [1] between March 28 and 30 this week. While this work is being done, the data center will be powered via the generator and we DO NOT expect any outages to happen. However, in case something unexpected happens, I wanted to send this notice out.

Here is a note from OSU about this work (all times are PDT):

Oregon State University and Pacific Power have been collaborating on a long-term effort to improve the safety and reliability of the power grid serving the Corvallis campus. This work requires periodic planned power outages to accommodate upgrades and other work.

The first multiple-day planned power outage will occur on Thursday, March 28 beginning at 6 a.m. and lasting through Saturday, March 30 at 6 p.m. The work to be performed by Pacific Power includes replacing switches and cables that feed various buildings along SW Jefferson Way. Prior to this planned outage, OSU’s Facilities Services electricians will briefly shut down power to the affected buildings outside of business hours on March 16, 2019 to enable the hook-up of generators, allowing for business continuity in most buildings.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me directly either via email or IRC.

Thank you!

[1] https://powergrid.oregonstate.edu/


Lance Albertson

Oregon State University | Open Source Lab