[SAC] idea - officer specific email alias

I had an idea when writing up a “contributor covenant” page for GeServer (to reflect osgeo code of conduct change). Listing the project officer, Simone in this case, is a bit of a pain. Would it be appropriate to set up an email alias for geoserver@osgeo.org to forward to Simone or whomever the current contact person is?

We could do the same for a lot of the officers on the board and officers page and have a more stable contact point as officers change over time.

Is this a good idea worth a ticket?


Jody Garnett

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 7:59 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

I had an idea when writing up a "contributor covenant" page for GeServer (to reflect osgeo code of conduct change). Listing the project officer, Simone in this case, is a bit of a pain. Would it be appropriate to set up an email alias for geoserver@osgeo.org to forward to Simone or whomever the current contact person is?

We could do the same for a lot of the officers on the board and officers page and have a more stable contact point as officers change over time.

Is this a good idea worth a ticket?

Not sure - at least be prepared to receive tons of spam after a while
(see the solkatz award email reflector :frowning: ).

In the GRASS GIS project, we use for years a moderated list for it
(https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-web/). No spam (most garbage
is auto-rejected) and low level of work for the moderators (basically
me). Certainly it is overkill to run a list per person but a generic
list per project without the need of subscribing might be a way to go
also for other projects.


Makes sense, kind of like info@osgeo.org but per project. I also want to be sensitive to the project officer role having some responsibility for the project, so perhaps it can be their call to add a few folks for backup.

Spam is a pain :frowning:


Jody Garnett