[SAC] jef added to sudo group on secure

FYI: I've added Jurgen Fisher in the "sudo" group
on the "secure" machine. He wanted to kill "apticron"
for what he thinks is excessive noise done by mail.

From apt-cache show apticron:

Simple tool to mail about pending package updates. Apticron is a simple
script which sends daily emails about pending package updates such as
security updates, properly handling packages on hold both by dselect
and aptitude.

In this specific case sysadmin alias is getting daily mail about
an invalid signature for an apt repository:

W: GPG error: http://archive.debian.org squeeze Release:
The following signatures were invalid:
KEYEXPIRED 1520281423 KEYEXPIRED 1501892461


Sandro Santilli wrote:

FYI: I've added Jurgen Fisher in the "sudo" group
on the "secure" machine. He wanted to kill "apticron"


How about we fix the error?
I suspect that it's due to that particular machine running and older
variant of Debian that no longer receives patches?


On 05/04/2018 12:41 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

FYI: I've added Jurgen Fisher in the "sudo" group
on the "secure" machine. He wanted to kill "apticron"
for what he thinks is excessive noise done by mail.

From apt-cache show apticron:

Simple tool to mail about pending package updates. Apticron is a simple
script which sends daily emails about pending package updates such as
security updates, properly handling packages on hold both by dselect
and aptitude.

In this specific case sysadmin alias is getting daily mail about
an invalid signature for an apt repository:

W: GPG error: http://archive.debian.org squeeze Release:
The following signatures were invalid:
KEYEXPIRED 1520281423 KEYEXPIRED 1501892461

Sac mailing list

On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 09:02:51AM -0700, Alex Mandel wrote:

How about we fix the error?
I suspect that it's due to that particular machine running and older
variant of Debian that no longer receives patches?

Yes, ideally we'd upgrade that machine too.
Martin: is that on your plate, to finish upgrade of machines?
