[SAC] KVM / LVM / libvrt/ ganeti and all that

Thinking about this with the mindset of the New Website.

If I setup a KVM image for new website, that we test (we'll use for our
temporary staging) , basically trying to follow these instructions?


Would it be possible to then take that image and host it on OSUOSL when we
are comfortable everything works. We'd create two versions, one for
production and one for staging.

I think that would expedite things since in theory
I could have the KVM image ready to go as soon as our new hardware is in

This would be instead of just building a virtualbox VM as I had originally
planned to test out any issues under PHP7/MariaDb

I assume such an image could work under libvrt or ganeti. Any special
considerations I should be aware of?


On 01/04/2018 09:55 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

Thinking about this with the mindset of the New Website.

If I setup a KVM image for new website, that we test (we'll use for our
temporary staging) , basically trying to follow these instructions?


Would it be possible to then take that image and host it on OSUOSL when we
are comfortable everything works. We'd create two versions, one for
production and one for staging.

I think that would expedite things since in theory
I could have the KVM image ready to go as soon as our new hardware is in

This would be instead of just building a virtualbox VM as I had originally
planned to test out any issues under PHP7/MariaDb

I assume such an image could work under libvrt or ganeti. Any special
considerations I should be aware of?


Theoretically yes that would work, though inefficient to transfer.

A preferred method would be to use a deployment tool to script a fresh
deployment. Puppet, Ansible, Chef.... which leads back to just do it
with Docker.

The issue I think we're trying to avoid is setting up the basic
accounts, LDAP, base security (fail2ban) etc... the less times and
places we have to do all that the better.

I'm find requesting a VM from OSUOSL same specs as the current staging
server if you want it?


On Fri, Jan 05, 2018 at 02:37:40PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:

A preferred method would be to use a deployment tool to script a fresh
deployment. Puppet, Ansible, Chef.... which leads back to just do it
with Docker.

I don't know about Puppet and Chef but I'm sure Ansible can be used
to deploy to bare-metal as well as Virtualbox VMs (in addition to
Docker). I do have some experience with Ansible if we want to go


I'm find requesting a VM from OSUOSL same specs as the current staging server if you want it?


Let's do that.

I think this discussion as it's going about what virtualization to use is going to go on forever
and I fear we'll never order new hardware as each person offers their rocket science flavor of the year.

In meantime I'll finish with my experimentation of PHP7/wordpress on the Debian 9.3 box
I just setup and resetup with our current wordpress backups.

If I get done this weekend (I'm hoping today) I'll ask for a staging2.www.osgeo.org so those interested can test the site on PHP 7 and MariaDB
