[SAC] Last Meeting outcomes and upcoming meeting

The meeting for this Past Thursday is


Outcomes and Transcript on the talk page -

Unfortunately a lot of the agenda items had to be skipped because parties
involved weren't present.

Next meeting is scheduled for UTC: Thursday, December 21st, 2017 at 8:00 pm

Before I bother creating a meeting page for this, does this time work for
most people? Particularly the people who could not attend last meeting?

If this time doesn't work, please offer a different day/time more suitable.
I'm also amenable to just skipping this meeting since it's so close to the
holidays and continue in the new year with usual schedule.


On 12/10/2017 11:38 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

The meeting for this Past Thursday is


Outcomes and Transcript on the talk page -

Unfortunately a lot of the agenda items had to be skipped because parties
involved weren't present.

Next meeting is scheduled for UTC: Thursday, December 21st, 2017 at 8:00 pm

Before I bother creating a meeting page for this, does this time work for
most people? Particularly the people who could not attend last meeting?

If this time doesn't work, please offer a different day/time more suitable.
I'm also amenable to just skipping this meeting since it's so close to the
holidays and continue in the new year with usual schedule.


Apologies for missing the last meeting, unexpected computer issues. I should be able to make the next meeting.

- Yes we can request more budget, not guarantee we will get it. Strk, get a few more SAC members to agree with your proposed increase and we can update it.

-- Note: there's a lot of discussion of new hardware. I want to make it clear, we must retire osgeo4 100% before there is rack space available. When in doubt we need to work on that.

- GeoForAll DNS contact was in the email thread/ticket I thought. Jason jds@geodata.soton.ac.uk is the contact on the current DNS.

- Contract: There's been a lot of confusion over the process, some of us are new to this. Document was updated, sent to Helena for OSGeo signature and Martin for his companies' signature.



Apologies for missing the last meeting, unexpected computer issues. I should be able to make the next meeting.

No problem -- I've created page for next meeting -- putting in some of the info you specified


- Yes we can request more budget, not guarantee we will get it. Strk, get a few more SAC members to agree with your proposed increase and we can update it.

I agree with strk that we need more budget for sys admins especially with the planned upgrades coming.

Note: there's a lot of discussion of new hardware. I want to make it clear, we must retire osgeo4 100% before there is rack space available.
When in doubt we need to work on that.

So is this list accurate that main things running on osgeo4 are QGIS, Planet QGIS, OSGeo Live building of docs
And all these Ad hoc things -- https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/AdhocVM



"Regina Obe" wrote:

Before I bother creating a meeting page for this, does this time work for
most people? Particularly the people who could not attend last meeting?

Meeting in the evening after a work day is not my (personal) favourite, in
most cases that's when I meet my family :wink:
Best choice at my end would be Sunday morning CET.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

I'm fine with Sunday mornings. I think other's had issue with that though.

Anyone have issue with Sunday morning for next meeting?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Martin Spott
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 5:05 PM
To: sac@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [SAC] Last Meeting outcomes and upcoming meeting

"Regina Obe" wrote:

Before I bother creating a meeting page for this, does this time work
for most people? Particularly the people who could not attend last meeting?

Meeting in the evening after a work day is not my (personal) favourite, in most cases that's when I meet my family :wink: Best choice at my end would be Sunday morning CET.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
Sac mailing list

Meeting in the evening after a work day is not my (personal) favourite, in most cases that's when I meet my family :wink: Best choice at my end would be Sunday morning CET.


Just occurred to me that the next coming Sunday after the planned Thursday meeting would push us too close into the holidays.

So I'm keeping this Thursday's meeting as planned as we have a lot of achievements to cross off.

Martin if you can make it that would be nice. If you can't no big whoop.

For next meeting after this Thursday's how about Sunday January 7th and can we do Evening CET instead of morning


Morning CET puts me at 3-4 AM which is about the time I take my second nap (I can delay), but I think Alex is may be even more inconvenienced since it would fall on midnight/1AM his


On 12/18/2017 11:26 AM, Regina Obe wrote:

Meeting in the evening after a work day is not my (personal) favourite, in most cases that's when I meet my family :wink: Best choice at my end would be Sunday morning CET.


Just occurred to me that the next coming Sunday after the planned Thursday meeting would push us too close into the holidays.

So I'm keeping this Thursday's meeting as planned as we have a lot of achievements to cross off.

Martin if you can make it that would be nice. If you can't no big whoop.

For next meeting after this Thursday's how about Sunday January 7th and can we do Evening CET instead of morning


Morning CET puts me at 3-4 AM which is about the time I take my second nap (I can delay), but I think Alex is may be even more inconvenienced since it would fall on midnight/1AM his


Yes, 12 or 1 am on a Saturday night doesn't really work for me these days. I will make this week, not sure if I'll make the 7th, will be in Southeast Asia.

Now that we've done a few meetings maybe we should re-poll on good times.
