[SAC] libLAS maillist support


I am in the process of decommissioning my personal server, and I would like to move the development and commits list for the libLAS library to OSGeo if there are no objections. I think libLAS is probably too small in scope to ever be a fully-fledged OSGeo project, but I have developed its infrastructure with the expectation that it might live on osgeo1 similar to moss4g or Fusion. I won't need hosting for Trac/SVN, as I will be able to provide those on my own (new) server, but I will not be doing email on the new server, and I was hoping to find a home.




Howard Butler wrote:


I am in the process of decommissioning my personal server, and I would like to move the development and commits list for the libLAS library to OSGeo if there are no objections. I think libLAS is probably too small in scope to ever be a fully-fledged OSGeo project, but I have developed its infrastructure with the expectation that it might live on osgeo1 similar to moss4g or Fusion. I won't need hosting for Trac/SVN, as I will be able to provide those on my own (new) server, but I will not be doing email on the new server, and I was hoping to find a home.




If this is kind of request in the style of "a SAC member wants to host something on OSGeo and the Board should speak up if it sees a problem" then I can confirm that I do not see any problem.

Regards, Arnulf.

On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

Howard Butler wrote:

I am in the process of decommissioning my personal server, and I would like to move the development and commits list for the libLAS library to OSGeo if there are no objections. I think libLAS is probably too small in scope to ever be a fully-fledged OSGeo project, but I have developed its infrastructure with the expectation that it might live on osgeo1 similar to moss4g or Fusion. I won't need hosting for Trac/SVN, as I will be able to provide those on my own (new) server, but I will not be doing email on the new server, and I was hoping to find a home.

If this is kind of request in the style of "a SAC member wants to host something on OSGeo and the Board should speak up if it sees a problem" then I can confirm that I do not see any problem.
Regards, Arnulf.

Just emailing to confirm that the libLAS-devel and libLAS-commits mailing lists have been migrated to OSGeo.
