[SAC] Local domain registration

Hi all,

we are in the process of the OSGeo Lab establishment in Ukraine and want to
register domain osgeo.org.ua for further usage in all our activities
around OSGeo
and its projects.

Unfortunately we can not find any guidance or policy regarding local domains at
OSGeo site. So we want to know can we register such domain or no. As we can
see, there are osgeo.fr, osgeo.cn and other domains. Some of them are just
redirection to main OSGeo site, others seems separate sites.

Alexander Bruy

As mentioned in the ticket, please go ahead and register the domain, but
be open to sharing the control of the use of the domain/site with the
whole Ukraine OSGeo community. Thanks for promoting OSGeo! :slight_smile:


On 2014-07-14, 6:16 PM, Alexander Bruy wrote:

Hi all,

we are in the process of the OSGeo Lab establishment in Ukraine and want to
register domain osgeo.org.ua for further usage in all our activities
around OSGeo
and its projects.

Unfortunately we can not find any guidance or policy regarding local domains at
OSGeo site. So we want to know can we register such domain or no. As we can
see, there are osgeo.fr, osgeo.cn and other domains. Some of them are just
redirection to main OSGeo site, others seems separate sites.
