[SAC] login issues with community.osgeo.net

dear SAC, Jeroen, all,

Re. the CiviCRM site at http://community.osgeo.net - I am guessing it
is not hooked up to the OSGeo LDAP? I had this same error, hit the "i
have forgotten my password" button and used the one-time login link
that Drupal sends, to login to the site.

I should be reporting this in Trac? I'm not sure of the status of this
service - is it something SAC feels responsible for - or envisaged as
a future backend for membership management? (storing contact details
is all it is useful for at the moment)

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 08:55:55AM +0200, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

   Didn't notice that website before. Can you log on? I get some error
   messages when trying;
     * warning: ldap_start_tls() [function.ldap-start-tls]: Unable to start
       TLS: Connect error in /var/www/drupal-5.3/sites/all/module
       ntegration/LDAPInterface.php on line 129.
     * Sorry. Unrecognized username or password. Have you forgotten your
   First error seems to be critical. My username and password are correct for
   the normal www.osgeo.org at least.

I just stood up those tools mainly to help my record keeping responsibilities and for testing of some of the membership management tools we'd been discussing for a long time. I didn't want everyone to be able to log into it, so thought I didn't hook it up to LDAP. I'll have a look to get those working.

I don't expect SAC to support it since it was me just making it happen to fill a personal need, but if someone is interested in making it into something more, they are more than welcome. I've put out the idea of standing up a community portal, but didn't get much response, so I think we can just keep this service as a tool for our internal secretarial duties.



On 19-May-08, at 12:03 PM, jo@frot.org wrote:

dear SAC, Jeroen, all,

Re. the CiviCRM site at http://community.osgeo.net - I am guessing it
is not hooked up to the OSGeo LDAP? I had this same error, hit the "i
have forgotten my password" button and used the one-time login link
that Drupal sends, to login to the site.

I should be reporting this in Trac? I'm not sure of the status of this
service - is it something SAC feels responsible for - or envisaged as
a future backend for membership management? (storing contact details
is all it is useful for at the moment)