[SAC] Mailman spam filtering?

Hi SAC team,

after the smooth migration of all GRASS Mailing lists to OSGeo (special
thanks to Frank for his immediate help to quickly migrate 13 lists!),
I now face the same problem as other Mailman moderators:
all the spam which is trapped and bombing my inbox with Mailman

At grass.itc.it I had "bogofilter" running to filter the mailman queues
(see http://mpa.itc.it/markus/bogofilter/index.html
  "Protecting Mailman with bogofilter against spam")
which worked in 99% of cases (and never trapped ham).

Any chance to implement something like this on the OSGeo
server? Or use a Spamasassin daemon? Or you "postgrey"
which works nicely for me on another server?


PS: some selected subscribers stats of the new lists:
grass-announce 204 members
grass-dev 475 members
grass-user 984 members
grass-windows 552 members

Markus Neteler wrote:

Hi SAC team,

after the smooth migration of all GRASS Mailing lists to OSGeo (special
thanks to Frank for his immediate help to quickly migrate 13 lists!),
I now face the same problem as other Mailman moderators:
all the spam which is trapped and bombing my inbox with Mailman


Note, recent practice has been to set lists to just reject email
from non-members to avoid it piling up in the moderation queue. If
that is acceptable practice to you, then it greatly reduces
moderation headaches.

If not, better filtering would be needed. I could certainly see
some value in having it in place though I have no direct experience.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

On Nov 16, 2007 6:58 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> wrote:

Markus Neteler wrote:
> Hi SAC team,
> after the smooth migration of all GRASS Mailing lists to OSGeo (special
> thanks to Frank for his immediate help to quickly migrate 13 lists!),
> I now face the same problem as other Mailman moderators:
> all the spam which is trapped and bombing my inbox with Mailman
> notifications.


Note, recent practice has been to set lists to just reject email
from non-members to avoid it piling up in the moderation queue. If
that is acceptable practice to you, then it greatly reduces
moderation headaches.

Right now, in the mailing list test phase I cannot do that since some
systems still need to be fixed (those which I even don't remember that
they worked like this, e.g., GRASS Quality Assessment system trigger,
bugtracker and CVS diff notifiers and stuff).

Something like greylisting is really easy (2 min installation) and drops
90% of rubbish:

In case we use postfix, this could be a first approach with rather 0 effort.


I've seen variable results with greylisting. It works fairly well, but
I've also seen a few cases of legitimate users with badly behaving MTAs
that never get their messages through. If we're willing to accept those
edge cases, then it's a great first-pass filter for spam.


-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Neteler
Subject: Re: [SAC] Mailman spam filtering?

Something like greylisting is really easy (2 min installation) and drops
90% of rubbish:

In case we use postfix, this could be a first approach with rather 0

On my system (the one where the GRASS Wiki is still running) I am using
120sec of greylisting which is much less than the default. Certainly I cannot
know how much good mails I miss but I never got a complaint (a couple of
different personal email addresses a known to reach me). Certainly
there is no perfect system to combat spam.


On Nov 16, 2007 8:40 PM, Jason Birch <Jason.Birch@nanaimo.ca> wrote:

I've seen variable results with greylisting. It works fairly well, but
I've also seen a few cases of legitimate users with badly behaving MTAs
that never get their messages through. If we're willing to accept those
edge cases, then it's a great first-pass filter for spam.


-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Neteler
Subject: Re: [SAC] Mailman spam filtering?

Something like greylisting is really easy (2 min installation) and drops
90% of rubbish:

In case we use postfix, this could be a first approach with rather 0
Greylisting - fight Spam with Postgrey and Postfix on Debian and Ubuntu

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Open Source Geospatial Foundation

I've had luck with spamassassin, but I suspect that Marcus is soon going
to drown in Spam unless we do something about it. I think it would be
prudent to set up either greylisting or bogofilter now, especially if we
are going to be hosting even more projects and their lists. People
really don't like spam. Though I think it is quite tasty when cooked
with macaroni while camping :wink:


On 16.11.2007 22:10, Markus Neteler wrote:

On my system (the one where the GRASS Wiki is still running) I am using
120sec of greylisting which is much less than the default. Certainly I cannot
know how much good mails I miss but I never got a complaint (a couple of
different personal email addresses a known to reach me). Certainly
there is no perfect system to combat spam.


On Nov 16, 2007 8:40 PM, Jason Birch <Jason.Birch@nanaimo.ca> wrote:

I've seen variable results with greylisting. It works fairly well, but
I've also seen a few cases of legitimate users with badly behaving MTAs
that never get their messages through. If we're willing to accept those
edge cases, then it's a great first-pass filter for spam.


-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Neteler
Subject: Re: [SAC] Mailman spam filtering?

Something like greylisting is really easy (2 min installation) and drops
90% of rubbish:

In case we use postfix, this could be a first approach with rather 0

Sac mailing list


<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>