[SAC] MediaWiki 1.16 is too old and unsupported


I'm not exactly clear how I got this message, perhaps via
info@osgeo.org, but I thought this was the group to see it.

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Federico Leva <federico.leva@studenti.unimi.it>
Date: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:31 AM
Subject: MediaWiki 1.16 is too old and unsupported
To: federico.leva@studenti.unimi.it

we have noted that your wiki still runs MediaWiki 1.16, a definitely
old release (July 2010) whose support ended more than a year ago, in
November 2011. Several security patches have been included since then.
The current stable release is MediaWiki 1.20.2
it's strongly suggested to update to the last stable release or to the
current long-term support (LTS) release, 1.19.3, which will be
supported until May 2015.
Please see the page
for more information on why you should upgrade, instructions, links to
release notes and more resources. Since 1.18, the installation process
should be much easier, including also the most needed extensions.
We'd be delighted to hear back from you suggestions on how to make the
upgrade process better, how you would like release notes to be, what
other extensions we should bundle in the tarball and in general what
makes you (not) want to install/upgrade MediaWiki.
Kind regards, Federico / [[User:Nemo_bis]] P.s.: I took this data from
wikistats' list of wikis, forgive me if there are mistakes.

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

I received a few of these messages as well (I must have a few mediawiki
installs out there). I did find a page stating the installed version
number: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Special:Version But, I'm assuming we
are ok with running an old version so I never reported this.


On 13-01-18 2:46 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:


I'm not exactly clear how I got this message, perhaps via
info@osgeo.org, but I thought this was the group to see it.

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Federico Leva <federico.leva@studenti.unimi.it>
Date: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:31 AM
Subject: MediaWiki 1.16 is too old and unsupported
To: federico.leva@studenti.unimi.it

we have noted that your wiki still runs MediaWiki 1.16, a definitely
old release (July 2010) whose support ended more than a year ago, in
November 2011. Several security patches have been included since then.
The current stable release is MediaWiki 1.20.2
it's strongly suggested to update to the last stable release or to the
current long-term support (LTS) release, 1.19.3, which will be
supported until May 2015.
Please see the page
for more information on why you should upgrade, instructions, links to
release notes and more resources. Since 1.18, the installation process
should be much easier, including also the most needed extensions.
We'd be delighted to hear back from you suggestions on how to make the
upgrade process better, how you would like release notes to be, what
other extensions we should bundle in the tarball and in general what
makes you (not) want to install/upgrade MediaWiki.
Kind regards, Federico / [[User:Nemo_bis]] P.s.: I took this data from
wikistats' list of wikis, forgive me if there are mistakes.

From: Federico Leva

We'd be delighted to hear back from you suggestions on how to make the
upgrade process better, how you would like release notes to be, what
other extensions we should bundle in the tarball and in general what
makes you (not) want to install/upgrade MediaWiki.

-> Custom MediaWiki module(s) requiring too much effort for porting
    to newer versions of MW (due to API changes, as I was told).

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 08:26:54PM +0100, Federico Leva wrote:

Martin Spott, 18/01/2013 20:17:

> -> Custom MediaWiki module(s) requiring too much effort for porting
> to newer versions of MW (due to API changes, as I was told).

I see, do you mean local patches/extensions?

Sorry, yes, custom "extension" would be the correct term.
I don't recall every detail, but as far as I remember, porting this
extension to newer MW versions required substantial rewrite.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 09:05:21PM +0100, Federico Leva wrote:

Martin Spott, 18/01/2013 20:51:

>Sorry, yes, custom "extension" would be the correct term.
>I don't recall every detail, but as far as I remember, porting this
>extension to newer MW versions required substantial rewrite.

It's a pity if the lack of such features/extensions in more recent
releases prevents you from upgrading; we're trying to gather more
information about such obstacles, you may want to help us by
describing such needed features [...]

The OSGeo wiki contains a "User Map" feature, like:


I know there was some sort of 3rd party map extensions for MW, but the
last time I looked at them, one was deprecated and I was unable to get
the other one to work as promised - and gave up after a while.

I'm sure things have developed in the mean time and maybe it's possible
to shape an existing map extension into a replacement for ours. I just
ran out of time doing detailed investigation because there was more
important stuff to do in the meantime - a situation you're probably
familiar with :wink:

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Hi Frederico, I've already performed two migrations between different
hosts and a couple of updates on this particular OSGeo Wiki, thus I'm
probably not entirely unexperienced. Anyhow, incompatibilities of
extensions between MW versions are definitely still one of the less
pleasant items.

I *do* understand that it's impossible or at least unreasonable to
maintain a stable extension API over a long period of time and I don't
mean to blame MW for this .... it's just that this finally leads to MW
instances not getting updated :slight_smile:

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !