[SAC] Meeting!

As suggested by strk, I'm sending this out to propose a SAC meeting sometime next week. I'm not familiar with everyone's time zones, so let's start with just where people are.

I'll be in SGT, but working odd hours, so any time works for me.


I'm in East coast (Boston, USA), but my sleep schedule is kinda weird. Actually lines up pretty well with strk's schedule.

That said I can make most any time even like 3AM EST if that works for most.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Harrison Grundy
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:10 PM
To: sac@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [SAC] Meeting!

As suggested by strk, I'm sending this out to propose a SAC meeting sometime next week. I'm not familiar with everyone's time zones, so let's start with just where people are.

I'll be in SGT, but working odd hours, so any time works for me.

Sac mailing list

I've been contemplating a bunch of ideas concerning meetings.

Should set a fixed schedule of meetings. Perhaps alternating 2 different
times (if there is conflict over time). As often as once a week, but at
minimum 2x a month.
Preferably 30 minutes.
Agenda set before the meeting, less priority issues not covered in the
time get bumped to the next meeting or handled by email.

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left to
To vote on things?
To discuss solutions?
To debate specific proposals?
To check in on status of subgroups/projects?
We should work this out so we can make the best use of the time.

I'm typically available PST 7-4

I will not be available from Sept 30-Oct 10, not even sure I'll have
adequate email access during that time. Don't let that prevent a meeting
from happening.

I've created a time poll to find times. Make sure to pick your timezone
before entering information. Fill in generally when you are available.

Results can be seen at


On 09/26/2017 03:54 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

I'm in East coast (Boston, USA), but my sleep schedule is kinda weird. Actually lines up pretty well with strk's schedule.

That said I can make most any time even like 3AM EST if that works for most.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Harrison Grundy
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:10 PM
To: sac@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [SAC] Meeting!

As suggested by strk, I'm sending this out to propose a SAC meeting sometime next week. I'm not familiar with everyone's time zones, so let's start with just where people are.

I'll be in SGT, but working odd hours, so any time works for me.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 26, 2017, at 4:40 PM, Alex M <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

I've been contemplating a bunch of ideas concerning meetings.

Should set a fixed schedule of meetings. Perhaps alternating 2 different
times (if there is conflict over time). As often as once a week, but at
minimum 2x a month.
Preferably 30 minutes.
Agenda set before the meeting, less priority issues not covered in the
time get bumped to the next meeting or handled by email.

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left to
To vote on things?
To discuss solutions?
To debate specific proposals?
To check in on status of subgroups/projects?
We should work this out so we can make the best use of the time.

I'm typically available PST 7-4

I will not be available from Sept 30-Oct 10, not even sure I'll have
adequate email access during that time. Don't let that prevent a meeting
from happening.

I've created a time poll to find times. Make sure to pick your timezone
before entering information. Fill in generally when you are available.

Results can be seen at


To me anyway, meetings seem like the time to discuss proposals and do status updates. Voting and more preliminary discussion seem to be more suited to email and messaging, respectively.

Initially, though, I'd plan for a longer discussion simply to get everyone caught up.

Twice a month sounds good to me, particularly if we could also coordinate some kind of monthly status update thing on the mailing list as well.


On 09/26/2017 03:54 PM, Regina Obe wrote:
I'm in East coast (Boston, USA), but my sleep schedule is kinda weird. Actually lines up pretty well with strk's schedule.

That said I can make most any time even like 3AM EST if that works for most.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Harrison Grundy
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:10 PM
To: sac@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [SAC] Meeting!

As suggested by strk, I'm sending this out to propose a SAC meeting sometime next week. I'm not familiar with everyone's time zones, so let's start with just where people are.

I'll be in SGT, but working odd hours, so any time works for me.


Sac mailing list

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:40:12PM -0700, Alex M wrote:

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left to

I generally think everything is best done by email, but when email
reactions are not seen, then it's time for a real-time talk to mostly
count ourselves...

I'm ok with a meeting every other week for this initial period.
NOTE that during November my timezone will change drastically
(from CEST to NZST) so my availability times given on that
service would change (in unknown-yet way)


I'm okay with meetings every other week too. However I'll be in Taiwan part of first and second week of November so early to mid November is not a good time for me.
I filled in my general availability in the calendar Alex provided.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandro Santilli
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:02 AM
To: tech@wildintellect.com; System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:40:12PM -0700, Alex M wrote:

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left

I generally think everything is best done by email, but when email reactions are not seen, then it's time for a real-time talk to mostly count ourselves...

I'm ok with a meeting every other week for this initial period.
NOTE that during November my timezone will change drastically (from CEST to NZST) so my availability times given on that service would change (in unknown-yet way)

Sac mailing list

I don't expect everyone to be there every time. Part of the idea of
having them regularly scheduled is that it won't take work to call a
meeting and find a time. You either can make or can't, if the preset
times stop working then we revote for a new time (hopefully only a
couple of times a year). We could set a quorum of say at least 5 people,
anything below that regularly suggests we need a new time.

It's looking like UTC 19:00 Thursdays is pretty good as a general time,
even holds up when strk goes to NZST.

Alternate being UTC 15:30 Mondays (not so great for NZST)

So hows does this sound...
UTC 19:00 Thursday Oct 5
UTC 15:30 Monday Oct 16
UTC 19:00 Thursday Nov 2

Question: Is anyone willing to step up as the facilitator. Basically,
send meeting reminder (or setup calendar), collect agenda items, run the
meeting, and post the notes. Traditionally this might be called the
"Secretary" on a committee. I'm thinking this is a good role for someone
who isn't a primary admin, and is less opinionated/invested in the topics.


On 09/26/2017 11:48 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

I'm okay with meetings every other week too. However I'll be in Taiwan part of first and second week of November so early to mid November is not a good time for me.
I filled in my general availability in the calendar Alex provided.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandro Santilli
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:02 AM
To: tech@wildintellect.com; System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:40:12PM -0700, Alex M wrote:

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left

I generally think everything is best done by email, but when email reactions are not seen, then it's time for a real-time talk to mostly count ourselves...

I'm ok with a meeting every other week for this initial period.
NOTE that during November my timezone will change drastically (from CEST to NZST) so my availability times given on that service would change (in unknown-yet way)

Sac mailing list

On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:47:32AM -0700, Alex M wrote:

So hows does this sound...
UTC 19:00 Thursday Oct 5
UTC 15:30 Monday Oct 16
UTC 19:00 Thursday Nov 2

I'd prefer a fixed time, much easier to remember.
Anyway, your times don't seem to match with the
table you asked us to fill ?


From that table you're listed as the only

one available at UTC 19:00 Thursday ?


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 08:51:12PM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:

Anyway, your times don't seem to match with the
table you asked us to fill ?


From that table you're listed as the only
one available at UTC 19:00 Thursday ?

Sorry, I was confused by the lack of TimeZone indication
in that page. Now I think the Timezone being shown
is US/Pacific (confusing). Is that the same for everyone ?
Or is there a way to change that display ? It would be useful
to have it in UTC to check your proposed times...


Yes looks like US/Pacific to me. If you click on a time it does give you the time in our different timezones

-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandro Santilli
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3:08 PM
To: tech@wildintellect.com; System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 08:51:12PM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:

Anyway, your times don't seem to match with the table you asked us to
fill ?


From that table you're listed as the only one available at UTC 19:00
Thursday ?

Sorry, I was confused by the lack of TimeZone indication in that page. Now I think the Timezone being shown is US/Pacific (confusing). Is that the same for everyone ?
Or is there a way to change that display ? It would be useful to have it in UTC to check your proposed times...

Sac mailing list

Question: Is anyone willing to step up as the facilitator. Basically, send meeting reminder (or setup calendar), collect agenda items, run the meeting, and post the notes. Traditionally this might be called the "Secretary" on a
committee. I'm thinking this is a good role for someone who isn't a primary admin, and is less opinionated/invested in the topics.


I don't think I can promise to be less opinionated and I'm not all that organized either :slight_smile:
But if no one else is willing to do it, I'll take a stab at being the facilitator and sending out the reminder.

I would suggest maybe we don't plan too ahead of time.

Let's start by just setting time for first meeting and then at the meeting plan for the time of next meeting with the default being something like 2 weeks after the current meeting at the same time.

I have a hard time planning my life months out. I can barely decide what to do the next day.


On the plus side I'm really good at being a nag -- Sandro can attest to that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Regina Obe [mailto:lr@pcorp.us]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3:24 PM
To: 'tech@wildintellect.com' <tech@wildintellect.com>; 'System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo' <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: RE: [SAC] Meeting!

Question: Is anyone willing to step up as the facilitator. Basically,
send meeting reminder (or setup calendar), collect agenda items, run the meeting, and post the notes. Traditionally this might be called the "Secretary" on a committee. I'm thinking this is a good role for someone who isn't a primary admin, and is less opinionated/invested in the topics.


I don't think I can promise to be less opinionated and I'm not all that organized either :slight_smile: But if no one else is willing to do it, I'll take a stab at being the facilitator and sending out the reminder.

I would suggest maybe we don't plan too ahead of time.

Let's start by just setting time for first meeting and then at the meeting plan for the time of next meeting with the default being something like 2 weeks after the current meeting at the same time.

I have a hard time planning my life months out. I can barely decide what to do the next day.


As discussed on IRC.

Thursday Oct 12th UTC 19:00 will be our first meeting.

Attached is the .ics to add to your calendar.

I copied over the agenda from the last 2016. I assume those still need to be discussed. Also added a minor intro item, mostly since I'm new and don't know what everyone is in charge of.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Alex M
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:48 PM
To: 'System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo' <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

I don't expect everyone to be there every time. Part of the idea of having them regularly scheduled is that it won't take work to call a meeting and find a time. You either can make or can't, if the preset times stop working then we revote for a new time (hopefully only a couple of times a year). We could set a quorum of say at least 5 people, anything below that regularly suggests we need a new time.

It's looking like UTC 19:00 Thursdays is pretty good as a general time, even holds up when strk goes to NZST.

Alternate being UTC 15:30 Mondays (not so great for NZST)

So hows does this sound...
UTC 19:00 Thursday Oct 5
UTC 15:30 Monday Oct 16
UTC 19:00 Thursday Nov 2

Question: Is anyone willing to step up as the facilitator. Basically, send meeting reminder (or setup calendar), collect agenda items, run the meeting, and post the notes. Traditionally this might be called the "Secretary" on a committee. I'm thinking this is a good role for someone who isn't a primary admin, and is less opinionated/invested in the topics.


On 09/26/2017 11:48 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

I'm okay with meetings every other week too. However I'll be in Taiwan part of first and second week of November so early to mid November is not a good time for me.
I filled in my general availability in the calendar Alex provided.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandro
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:02 AM
To: tech@wildintellect.com; System Administration Committee
Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:40:12PM -0700, Alex M wrote:

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left

I generally think everything is best done by email, but when email reactions are not seen, then it's time for a real-time talk to mostly count ourselves...

I'm ok with a meeting every other week for this initial period.
NOTE that during November my timezone will change drastically (from
CEST to NZST) so my availability times given on that service would
change (in unknown-yet way)

Sac mailing list

Sac mailing list

SACNextMeeting.ics (1.53 KB)

thanks Regina, here is the exact time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2017&month=10&day=12&hour=19&min=0&sec=0 (easy for those not using .ics) -jeff

On 2017-09-27 5:20 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

As discussed on IRC.

Thursday Oct 12th UTC 19:00 will be our first meeting.

Attached is the .ics to add to your calendar.

I copied over the agenda from the last 2016. I assume those still need to be discussed. Also added a minor intro item, mostly since I'm new and don't know what everyone is in charge of.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Alex M
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:48 PM
To: 'System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo' <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

I don't expect everyone to be there every time. Part of the idea of having them regularly scheduled is that it won't take work to call a meeting and find a time. You either can make or can't, if the preset times stop working then we revote for a new time (hopefully only a couple of times a year). We could set a quorum of say at least 5 people, anything below that regularly suggests we need a new time.

It's looking like UTC 19:00 Thursdays is pretty good as a general time, even holds up when strk goes to NZST.

Alternate being UTC 15:30 Mondays (not so great for NZST)

So hows does this sound...
UTC 19:00 Thursday Oct 5
UTC 15:30 Monday Oct 16
UTC 19:00 Thursday Nov 2

Question: Is anyone willing to step up as the facilitator. Basically, send meeting reminder (or setup calendar), collect agenda items, run the meeting, and post the notes. Traditionally this might be called the "Secretary" on a committee. I'm thinking this is a good role for someone who isn't a primary admin, and is less opinionated/invested in the topics.


On 09/26/2017 11:48 PM, Regina Obe wrote:

I'm okay with meetings every other week too. However I'll be in Taiwan part of first and second week of November so early to mid November is not a good time for me.
I filled in my general availability in the calendar Alex provided.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandro
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:02 AM
To: tech@wildintellect.com; System Administration Committee
Discussion/OSGeo <sac@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [SAC] Meeting!

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:40:12PM -0700, Alex M wrote:

The key is to decide what are the meetings for, and what's best left

I generally think everything is best done by email, but when email reactions are not seen, then it's time for a real-time talk to mostly count ourselves...

I'm ok with a meeting every other week for this initial period.
NOTE that during November my timezone will change drastically (from
CEST to NZST) so my availability times given on that service would
change (in unknown-yet way)


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 04:20:57PM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:

Attached is the .ics to add to your calendar.

It looks like the timezone you used (Microsoft Specific)
is not recognized by by calendar app [1]

[1] https://github.com/pimutils/khal/issues/714

Do you also have a link to the timeanddate website ?
Could you put that link on the wiki page ?
They also let you download an .ics file, so it could
be useful.


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 05:29:52PM -0300, Jeff McKenna wrote:

thanks Regina, here is the exact time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2017&month=10&day=12&hour=19&min=0&sec=0
(easy for those not using .ics) -jeff

And for those using .ics a compatible version can be downloaded from here:

I've added the link to the wiki page.


Alex M wrote:

It's looking like UTC 19:00 Thursdays is pretty good as a general time,

Given a little bit of luck I might be able to join.

Alternate being UTC 15:30 Mondays (not so great for NZST)

I definitely won't be able to join that one.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !