[SAC] Migration update

I'm just trying to catch up on where our infrastructure migration might be at and get the conversation going again.

I've been looking at:

I see we've got a few names listed and just thought I'd write to see
if we've made much progress. Also, here are a few question marks in case someone is able to help with that part.

wiki: Martin
ldap: Howard, Martin
web: Wolf - we need to determine the VM resource requirements for our various drupal sites
trac: ?

backup: Martin, all in place?
qgis: Gary, Macho; has their team been notified or started on VM?
webextra: ?
projects: ? need to determine resources?

Any comments?


On 04/29/2010 10:46 AM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

I'm just trying to catch up on where our infrastructure migration might
be at and get the conversation going again.

I've been looking at:

I see we've got a few names listed and just thought I'd write to see
if we've made much progress. Also, here are a few question marks in
case someone is able to help with that part.

wiki: Martin
ldap: Howard, Martin
web: Wolf - we need to determine the VM resource requirements for our
various drupal sites
trac: ?

backup: Martin, all in place?
qgis: Gary, Macho; has their team been notified or started on VM?
webextra: ?
projects: ? need to determine resources?

Any comments?


Only Wiki, Backup and Secure currently exist.
Wiki - test instance installed
Backup - Existing backups from osgeo1, osgeo2, downloads redirected to
it, no Bacula setup yet
Secure - nothing done that I know of

As soon as I have the information for another set of VMs (How much HD
etc) I was going to put in another request for some new VMs. Also
sometime this week OSL was going to notify me when we would have more
direct access to creating VMs ourselves.

QGIS is in the queue for this next round and it sounds like webextra and
projects might also need to be. But I only have specs for QGIS set.


Only Wiki, Backup and Secure currently exist.
Wiki - test instance installed
Backup - Existing backups from osgeo1, osgeo2, downloads redirected to
it, no Bacula setup yet
Secure - nothing done that I know of

As soon as I have the information for another set of VMs (How much HD
etc) I was going to put in another request for some new VMs. Also
sometime this week OSL was going to notify me when we would have more
direct access to creating VMs ourselves.

QGIS is in the queue for this next round and it sounds like webextra and
projects might also need to be. But I only have specs for QGIS set.

Thanks Alex,

Just filed the ticket http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/564 - for "web" 2Gb RAM, 50GB disk.

I would also like to get webextra started so we can get planet off osgeo2 but we'll have to wait until wiki is moved anyway. osgeo2 is costing us real $$ - so if we can kill it the sooner the better.

Martin - any ideas for next steps on "wiki" vm? I can help if needed.
