[SAC] Motion to add daily Wiki dumpfile to download server

I motion to make the Wiki data available as a download on a separate machine (not osgeo2, ideally not even on peer1) like it was suggested for the openlayers web site. This will make sure that the content is not lost. It just adds public access to a physically remote standard backup.

Regards, Arnulf.

Arnulf Christl wrote:

I motion to make the Wiki data available as a download on a separate machine (not osgeo2, ideally not even on peer1) like it was suggested for the openlayers web site. This will make sure that the content is not lost. It just adds public access to a physically remote standard backup.


I hesitate to treat this as a full motion, but I'm in support. My
suggestion was that our nightly backup actually be used to populate a
read-only duplicate of the wiki at Telascience which we would establish
as wiki2.osgeo.org. I forsee no problem with also having the dump file
directly available.

I think this can be handled right in the wiki transition ticket.

Best regards,
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light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
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