[SAC] Munin down

Munin seems to have stopped working on webextra about 10pm PST (UTC
-8?). Basically the index.html produced is blank. All the subfiles are
there for the graphs but the webpage isn't. Time of break is guess based
on the logs just stopping there.

Any ideas, feel free to tinker.


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

Munin seems to have stopped working on webextra about 10pm PST (UTC
-8?). Basically the index.html produced is blank. All the subfiles are
there for the graphs but the webpage isn't. Time of break is guess based
on the logs just stopping there.

I suppose that it is related to the projectsVM update which is still do
be optimized.
