[SAC] New Virtual Machines for OSGeo

Lance & Team,

We'd like to make 2 new virtual machines. All of the below is to happen
on osgeo3, the box with fewer hard disk space and raid 5.

The first one is real easy, start with a copy of our base vm and create
one called Download with 150 GB of space, 8 GB ram, 2 Cores. At some
point in the distant future we will move this onto osgeo4 after we've
migrated Backup to an offsite server elsewhere (6 mths).

The second we would like to be a copy of our existing Tracsvn. The copy
only needs modest CPU and RAM to start, 2 GB ram, 2 Cores. Basically we
want to try an upgrade to some of our software (Trac). If it works well
we plan to turn off Tracsvn, give more resources to this new Tracsvn2
and change our dns to point to the new one.

It sounds like there are several ways to do this, if it requires
downtime it would be good to know how long and to schedule it. I am
aware that Lance won't be in the office until Sept 26 and hope we can
implement it sometime next week when he's back.

Please let me know if there are any questions.

OSGeo System Administration Committee Chair

On 09/30/2011 01:25 PM, Lance Albertson via RT wrote:

On Tue Sep 27 17:40:34 2011, ramereth wrote:

The second we would like to be a copy of our existing Tracsvn. The
copy only needs modest CPU and RAM to start, 2 GB ram, 2 Cores.
Basically we want to try an upgrade to some of our software (Trac).
If it works well we plan to turn off Tracsvn, give more resources to
this new Tracsvn2 and change our dns to point to the new one.

I'll try and take care of this later this week once I'm caught up a
little more. You might ping me.

Do you want it to have the same amount of disk space (100G)? I see its
using around 60G right now. We can always grow it later.

Good question, if the plan is to replcae the current vm once we get trac
upgraded on the new one, then yes we'd want the same amount of space but
it wouldn't have to be that big until we make the switch.

Let me see what others think real quick.


On Fri Sep 30 20:31:59 2011, tech@wildintellect.com wrote:

Good question, if the plan is to replcae the current vm once we get
trac upgraded on the new one, then yes we'd want the same amount of
space but it wouldn't have to be that big until we make the switch.

tracsvn2.osgeo.osuosl.org is online. Let me know if anything is missing
or wrong.

Lance Albertson
Systems Administrator / Architect
OSU Open Source Lab