[SAC] New Website progress

Good news. We finally got the Cloud Hosting thing sorted out and now have a

Debian 8, 4GB ram, 160 GB HDD drive VPS server on the GetInteractive


Next steps:

1) I'll record the root account on SAC secure server
2) Someone in SAC, I'm willing to do it if no one else wants to, will setup
a sudo account for Get Interactive.
If I do it, I'm just going to call the account getinteractive

3) Venkat and Jody work out the money matters about signing off on the
GetInteractive maintenance contract (that can happen now I think).
4) We give GetInteractive the account to log in and setup stuff. Would be
nice if GetInteractive outlines exactly what they do to setup the website.
5) We then study what we've got and start planning about migration to OSGeo
servers and LDAP integration.

Anyone have comment about the above steps?


  1. Venkat and Jody work out the money matters about signing off on the

GetInteractive maintenance contract (that can happen now I think).

If we can ask Alex (SAC committee chair) to email the board list Venka can take it from there.

In this case Alex as an officer, and Venka as president need to do the work. I can only cheer from the sidelines :slight_smile: