[SAC] No more scheduled meetings switch to Asynch Meetings

Since no one seems to be able to take out an hour from their busy schedule
each week, I've decided to cancel all scheduled meetings.
We can still keep the monthly agenda and maybe we can update it as new
developments happen.

Strk suggested async meeting I have put my notes below and also on the wiki
page for this month:



I think we could change back to the wonderful world of async
communication, which is what made the Internet that great
inclusive and ubiquitous place it is.

Like, replying with a new thread for each agenda point ?

- Talk about harder plans

> Regina: could you report the progress here ?
At last meeting (help Oct 11th) TemptorSent (Chris) and I finished setting
up the ZFS pool and LXD

So Osgeo7 is now ready to go:

  * Setup nginx lxd
  * Move nextcloud to osgeo7 (TemptorSent created a backup and dumped on
  * Make sure new osgeo7 is whitelisted for LDAP

---- Leave rest for Martin and others to respond to
- System contracts

   Martin: could you report the status here ?

- GCI program

   Jeff, Vicky: anything done for it ?

- Open tickets neding attention (I would let this handled by tickets)

- Other topics: key-only logins

   Martin: do you think you will have time/ability to add SSH keys
   fields in our LDAP database ? This is handled by ticket



I think a monthly SAC meeting is a good idea, and most should be able to fit one meeting a month into their schedules. -jeff

On 2018-10-17 2:37 AM, Regina Obe wrote:

Since no one seems to be able to take out an hour from their busy schedule
each week, I've decided to cancel all scheduled meetings.
We can still keep the monthly agenda and maybe we can update it as new
developments happen.

Strk suggested async meeting I have put my notes below and also on the wiki
page for this month:



I think we could change back to the wonderful world of async
communication, which is what made the Internet that great
inclusive and ubiquitous place it is.

Like, replying with a new thread for each agenda point ?

  - Talk about harder plans

  > Regina: could you report the progress here ?
At last meeting (help Oct 11th) TemptorSent (Chris) and I finished setting
up the ZFS pool and LXD

So Osgeo7 is now ready to go:

   * Setup nginx lxd
   * Move nextcloud to osgeo7 (TemptorSent created a backup and dumped on
   * Make sure new osgeo7 is whitelisted for LDAP

---- Leave rest for Martin and others to respond to
  - System contracts

    Martin: could you report the status here ?

  - GCI program

    Jeff, Vicky: anything done for it ?

  - Open tickets neding attention (I would let this handled by tickets)

  - Other topics: key-only logins

    Martin: do you think you will have time/ability to add SSH keys
    fields in our LDAP database ? This is handled by ticket



I am sorry I had a standing commitment at that time, and tried to drop in after :frowning:


Jody Garnett

There's a reason we started doing the meetings a few months back, async
wasn't sufficient anymore. Once a week is probably too much, hence we
had been doing every other week before that. I would suggest sliding
back to that.

We also shouldn't be hesitant to convene mini meetings among smaller
groups just to tackle specific issues.

I have time today, if some others are available to discuss and implement
a solution to the smtp on the new limesurvey. There appears to be a
gitea TODO but no SAC ticket on the topic.


On 10/17/18 06:34, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I think a monthly SAC meeting is a good idea, and most should be able to
fit one meeting a month into their schedules. -jeff

On 2018-10-17 2:37 AM, Regina Obe wrote:

Since no one seems to be able to take out an hour from their busy
each week, I've decided to cancel all scheduled meetings.
We can still keep the monthly agenda and maybe we can update it as new
developments happen.

Strk suggested async meeting I have put my notes below and also on the
page for this month:




I think we could change back to the wonderful world of async
communication, which is what made the Internet that great
inclusive and ubiquitous place it is.

Like, replying with a new thread for each agenda point ?

- Talk about harder plans

> Regina: could you report the progress here ?
At last meeting (help Oct 11th) TemptorSent (Chris) and I finished
up the ZFS pool and LXD

So Osgeo7 is now ready to go:

* Setup nginx lxd
* Move nextcloud to osgeo7 (TemptorSent created a backup and dumped on
* Make sure new osgeo7 is whitelisted for LDAP

---- Leave rest for Martin and others to respond to
- System contracts

Martin: could you report the status here ?

- GCI program

Jeff, Vicky: anything done for it ?

- Open tickets neding attention (I would let this handled by tickets)

- Other topics: key-only logins

Martin: do you think you will have time/ability to add SSH keys
fields in our LDAP database ? This is handled by ticket



Sac mailing list

Sure I'm game.

I have a meeting now but will be done around 2:30 PM or we can do the usual scheduled time of 4 PM today.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sac [mailto:sac-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Alex M
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 12:42 PM
To: System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo
<sac@lists.osgeo.org>; Jeff McKenna <jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com>
Subject: Re: [SAC] No more scheduled meetings switch to Asynch Meetings

There's a reason we started doing the meetings a few months back, async
wasn't sufficient anymore. Once a week is probably too much, hence we had
been doing every other week before that. I would suggest sliding back to that.

We also shouldn't be hesitant to convene mini meetings among smaller
groups just to tackle specific issues.

I have time today, if some others are available to discuss and implement a
solution to the smtp on the new limesurvey. There appears to be a gitea
TODO but no SAC ticket on the topic.


On 10/17/18 06:34, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> I think a monthly SAC meeting is a good idea, and most should be able
> to fit one meeting a month into their schedules. -jeff
> On 2018-10-17 2:37 AM, Regina Obe wrote:
>> Since no one seems to be able to take out an hour from their busy
>> schedule each week, I've decided to cancel all scheduled meetings.
>> We can still keep the monthly agenda and maybe we can update it as
>> new developments happen.
>> Strk suggested async meeting I have put my notes below and also on
>> the wiki page for this month:
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/SAC_Meeting_2018-10
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -------
>> ----------------------------
>>> I think we could change back to the wonderful world of async
>>> communication, which is what made the Internet that great inclusive
>>> and ubiquitous place it is.
>>> Like, replying with a new thread for each agenda point ?
>>> - Talk about harder plans
>> > Regina: could you report the progress here ?
>> At last meeting (help Oct 11th) TemptorSent (Chris) and I finished
>> setting up the ZFS pool and LXD
>> So Osgeo7 is now ready to go:
>> * Setup nginx lxd
>> * Move nextcloud to osgeo7 (TemptorSent created a backup and
>> dumped on
>> Osgeo7)
>> * Make sure new osgeo7 is whitelisted for LDAP
>> ---- Leave rest for Martin and others to respond to - System
>> contracts
>> Martin: could you report the status here ?
>> - GCI program
>> Jeff, Vicky: anything done for it ?
>> - Open tickets neding attention (I would let this handled by
>> tickets)
>> - Other topics: key-only logins
>> Martin: do you think you will have time/ability to add SSH keys
>> fields in our LDAP database ? This is handled by ticket
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2116
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
> _______________________________________________
> Sac mailing list
> Sac@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/sac

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