[SAC] One off posting to the list

Begin forwarded message:

From: Adrian Custer <acuster@gmail.com>
Date: June 25, 2008 8:46:16 AM CDT
To: sac-owner@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: One off posting to the list


I was trying to reach the SAC and was automatically rejected. Could you
please forward this through? Thank you, --adrian

Hey all,

Can the osgeo infrastructure serve as a Source Code Management system
for the currently incubating, soon graduated (we hope), project

We are looking to host our code and evaluating the choices. The code
base is a 1.6GB svn dump. Can OSGeo host such a thing? Can OSGeo host
both/either svn and mercurial? Who is doing the work to keep the svn/hg
services running and under what constraints? How well have services been
running so far?

In other words, where can I find more info on the services and status
and how, if we decide to move our code to OSGeo, do we ask for
permission and do the work for the move?

Pointers, help, advice and comments all appreciated,


P.S. Please respond directly to me since I am not on your administration
list. Thank you.


SAC currently maintains only subversion for the projects, and importing your dump file would not be a problem. As far as Mercurial, I don't think we have a technical problem with doing that, although we would probably need an administrator with familiarity with it to step forward. I personally think hg would provide a nice alternative to the more rigid svn and we as SAC should explore implementing it.

As far as service availability, we're definitely not a five 9's-type operation, but because it is such an important piece of infrastructure for the projects, the motivation to keep things alive and going is quite strong. This has meant issues are quickly identified and dealt with when they do come up. SAC is an entirely volunteer operation, however, so if you as a project want something special or you want more assurance of protecting availability, volunteering to help out on SAC is the way to do it.

Any OSGeo project that is in incubation (or graduated) can request services from SAC. File a ticket in the SAC component of the OSGeo Trac instance (OSGeo). Again, because SAC is volunteer, they are what you make it. Some projects are more active in SAC than others, with a few just using SVN/Trac/Mailman (which doesn't have too much administrative load) and others participating as active members of SAC to build up the infrastructure they need.
