[SAC] OpenStreetMap Tile Cache?


QGIS over the last few releases has massively increased its usage of
tile.openstreetmap.org map tiles.

OpenStreetMap Operations Group are very supportive of QGIS using
OpenStreetMap tiles, but we have very limited free capacity.

QGIS accounts for around 5.3% of our daily app traffic. (vs 0.2% for
the OpenStreetMap editor JOSM).

We have 2 issues:

1) https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/34813 too many tiles being
loaded (that are not displayed)

2) We are under extreme server pressure at the moment, we badly need
extra caching and rendering servers for tile.openstreetmap.org.
Anything OSGeo could help with? OSM OWG can operate the donated

Kind regards,


On 3/2/20 8:31 AM, Grant Slater wrote:


QGIS over the last few releases has massively increased its usage of
tile.openstreetmap.org map tiles.

OpenStreetMap Operations Group are very supportive of QGIS using
OpenStreetMap tiles, but we have very limited free capacity.

QGIS accounts for around 5.3% of our daily app traffic. (vs 0.2% for
the OpenStreetMap editor JOSM).

We have 2 issues:

1) https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/34813 too many tiles being
loaded (that are not displayed)

2) We are under extreme server pressure at the moment, we badly need
extra caching and rendering servers for tile.openstreetmap.org.
Anything OSGeo could help with? OSM OWG can operate the donated

Kind regards,



Great to hear from you again. Yes I think we can offer you some capacity
if you can manage it. Let's get a ticket going on
https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo and then we can discuss the exact details.

Disk space? Bandwidth expectations? CPU/RAM? Really anything about what
resource load is expected/needed.
