[SAC] [OSGeo] #2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Keywords: wordpress WP
The GRASS GIS project needs to re-do their web site (the current CMS is
not even with a responsive theme) and would be happy to get a WP instance.

From IRC, SAC meeting 15 Mar 2018:

"[23:05] <robe2> You can even write I promised to set it up on web18a
which is already all configured for wordpress"

''Near future:''
  * Once set up and populated with content we may switch over the DNS to
let grass.osgeo.org reach the WP instance on web18a.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: robe
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: wordpress WP |
Changes (by robe):

* owner: sac@… => robe



I forgot to ask what you want as the domain name for it?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131#comment:1&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: robe
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: wordpress WP |

Comment (by robe):

as noted on irc I'll call this grass_temp.osgeo.org

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131#comment:2&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: robe
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: wordpress WP |

Comment (by neteler):

Probably better: staging.grass.osgeo.org

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131#comment:3&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: robe
     Type: task | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: wordpress WP |
Changes (by robe):

* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed


Done -- I added your OSGeo account as an administrator. You should have
gotten a confirmation email.


You'll probably want to add a local admin account for yourself so that you
can fiddle with the ldap settings if you need to. It's a bear bones
install, plus the WPAuthDir plugin we use for LDAP authentication. I
copied the settings from www.osgeo.org, so you may want to fiddle with it
a bit if you only want GRASS members to be able to log in. Right now it
will let an OSGeo member login with Subscriber role (minimalist role).

Feel free to reopen this ticket if I missed anythign.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131#comment:4&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2131: New Wordpress instance for GRASS GIS project
Reporter: neteler | Owner: robe
     Type: task | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: wordpress WP |

Comment (by neteler):

Thanks to much, robe!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2131#comment:5&gt;
OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.