[SAC] [OSGeo] #2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit

#2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit
Reporter: dbaston | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Keywords:
A commit push succeeds but gives some error messages implying that it

Username for 'https://git.osgeo.org': dbaston
Password for 'https://dbaston@git.osgeo.org':
Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 406 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Error: Unable to get database connection within 0 seconds.
(OperationalError: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
remote: )
remote: <html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh'
style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
remote: Authentication required
remote: <!--
remote: -->
remote: </body></html>
<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh'
style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
remote: Authentication required
remote: <!--
remote: -->
remote: </body></html>
Thanks for letting us know
To https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/geos/geos.git
    311989f..c13f075 master -> master

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2182&gt;
OSGeo <https://osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit
Reporter: dbaston | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: |

Comment (by strk):

commit c13f07516098e0cb4b4fe5c58c678d27b38b580e landed
in the repository, so I guess the error was sent by
a post-receive hook.

One thing done by it is invokation of trac-admin.
For trac.osgeo.org we have trac run under the name
of "www-data" user, which sets the password in its
.pgpass file, but Gitea runs as user "git", which didn't
have the .pgpass file. Now it does.

Can you please check if the problem is now fixed ?

Ideally we should update some wiki page about this

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2182#comment:1&gt;
OSGeo <https://osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit
Reporter: dbaston | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: |

Comment (by dbaston):

Now I get this message. Not sure if this is expected.

Username for 'https://git.osgeo.org': dbaston
Password for 'https://dbaston@git.osgeo.org':
Counting objects: 11, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Writing objects: 100% (11/11), 832 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 11 (delta 10), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: <html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh'
style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
remote: Authentication required
remote: <!--
remote: -->
remote: </body></html>
<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh'
style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
remote: Authentication required
remote: <!--
remote: -->
remote: </body></html>
Thanks for letting us know
To https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/geos/geos.git

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2182#comment:2&gt;
OSGeo <https://osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit
Reporter: dbaston | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution:
Keywords: |

Comment (by strk):

Sounds like Jenkins needs some love.
Regina, can you fix this one ?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2182#comment:3&gt;
OSGeo <https://osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

#2182: Strange message from git.osgeo.org after commit
Reporter: dbaston | Owner: sac@…
     Type: task | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: |
Changes (by strk):

* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed


Should be fixed now, that error was from Jenkins, which a post-update hook
was hitting on an obsoleted URL. I dropped hitting that URL completely, as
now that communication is done via web-hooks instead. See

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2182#comment:4&gt;
OSGeo <https://osgeo.org/&gt;
OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.