[SAC] OSGeo CITE Test Automation RFP interest

I wanted to take a moment to share this specifically with the system administration committee. If anyone is up for some devops work we would love to hear from you.

GeoServer PSC has an outstanding maintenance activity to automate CITE testing for our build server and have put together a budget of between $10,000 and $12,000 USD towards this activity.

If you or your organization is interested in this work please respond to the geoserver-devel email list with your proposal by the end of November. Applicants are welcome to attend bi-weekly GeoServer meeting for any clarification of requirements and participate in the review process. For details, including detailed requirements, see GISP-176.

The actual work is mostly around running software (your choice on how to automate) and running tests (command line or rest api calls). There Is very little GeoServer specific. If you have the set of skills required please review and see if you are interested in the work.

GeoServer Project Steering Committee