[SAC] OSGeo Code Sprint - System internals

I would like to invite one or two savvy PHP hackers, ideally with some
background using LDAP to join a code sprint session this Saturday. We
need to extend the sign-up form for OSGeo, add fields from the new LDAP
schema and maybe make everything just a little bit sleeker.

If we have time or fun left in us there is lots more to do which we
could look at and maybe realize over the next weeks. There is not that
much geospatial in it yet but there are some bits in the Wiki related to
maps, we have coordinates sitting by the side of the members and if you
are interested you will find interesting things to do.

Please contact me during the conference or simply show up at the code
sprint and look for me.

There will also be folks from SAC who know how things run.

Best regards,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind