[SAC] [OSGeo-Discuss] FDO Downloads site


here a FDO server issue (pointing to the wrong site?)


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Neil Penman <neilpenman@gmail.com> wrote:

To, partially, answer my own question:

https://fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads does work. So if you go to the
osgeo site using http://fdo.osgeo.org/ then the link to the downloads page
and many others will fail. However if you connect using https then the
links will work.

If you then click on the link to the 3.8 downloads page it won't be found
whether you have connected via https or http. You have to manually enter
the https protocol for that link to get the page to appear.

Is this just me or is there a problem with the site?



On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Neil Penman <neilpenman@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm having trouble accessing the downloads page for FDO,
http://fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads, has this moved?




Smap Consulting | Mobile Data Collection Solutions
Application Developer - neilpenman@gmail.com
Twitter: @dgmsot
Skype: ianaf4you
Phone: +61 402 975 959
Blog: http://blog.smap.com.au


Smap Consulting | Mobile Data Collection Solutions
Application Developer - neilpenman@gmail.com
Twitter: @dgmsot
Skype: ianaf4you
Phone: +61 402 975 959
Blog: http://blog.smap.com.au

Discuss mailing list

Can someone please take on this FDO downloads issue? Or put up a notice
there that it is a known issue? I think 3 messages came in today alone
to info@osgeo regarding this (example pasted below). Thanks.



Just an FYI, none of the downloads pages work on the Osgeo FDO website?
For example,



Anthony Kroon


On 1/12/2014, 8:00 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:


here a FDO server issue (pointing to the wrong site?)


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Neil Penman <neilpenman@gmail.com> wrote:

To, partially, answer my own question:

https://fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads does work. So if you go to the
osgeo site using http://fdo.osgeo.org/ then the link to the downloads page
and many others will fail. However if you connect using https then the
links will work.

If you then click on the link to the 3.8 downloads page it won't be found
whether you have connected via https or http. You have to manually enter
the https protocol for that link to get the page to appear.

Is this just me or is there a problem with the site?



On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Neil Penman <neilpenman@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm having trouble accessing the downloads page for FDO,
http://fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads, has this moved?




Smap Consulting | Mobile Data Collection Solutions
Application Developer - neilpenman@gmail.com
Twitter: @dgmsot
Skype: ianaf4you
Phone: +61 402 975 959
Blog: http://blog.smap.com.au


Smap Consulting | Mobile Data Collection Solutions
Application Developer - neilpenman@gmail.com
Twitter: @dgmsot
Skype: ianaf4you
Phone: +61 402 975 959
Blog: http://blog.smap.com.au

Discuss mailing list

Sac mailing list

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 04:49:05PM -0400, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Can someone please take on this FDO downloads issue?

I'll try, but, to be honest, I don't have the slightest idea about what
to expect on these FDO pages .... To me it looks like they're being
handled by Drupal,

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 04:49:05PM -0400, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Can someone please take on this FDO downloads issue?

Can anyone confirm this is a rather new issue ? I'm asking because:

a) "fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads" refers to
"/var/www/fdo/content/downloads" in the local filesystem.
b) "/var/www/fdo/content" is a symlink to "/var/www/drupal/content" -
the symlink was established in 2007.
c) The "/var/www/drupal/content" directory has been unchanged since
2006 - and there is no subdirectory named "downloads".

It looks like I fixed some other broken links to
"http://fdo.osgeo.org/files/....&quot; by replacing the directory
"/var/www/fdo/files" by a symlink to "/var/www/drupal/files" - like
other sites do.

Unfortunately the netwok connection just broke, I'll try to check
later, maybe this weekend.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 04:49:05PM -0400, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Can someone please take on this FDO downloads issue?

Could somone please check to where the URL
"http://fdo.osgeo.org/content/fdo-380-downloads&quot; is being redirected by
Drupal ? I suspect it's pointing to an invalid location.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

2014/1/23 Martin Spott <Martin.Spott@mgras.net>:

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 04:49:05PM -0400, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Can someone please take on this FDO downloads issue?

Could somone please check to where the URL
"http://fdo.osgeo.org/content/fdo-380-downloads&quot; is being redirected by
Drupal ? I suspect it's pointing to an invalid location.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !


It's giving me a 404 now but looking on the wayback machine (just one
record on 2013/06/15) it was a drupal page with links to FDO binaries


Hope it helps.

Jorge Sanz

Hi Jorge,

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 08:34:45AM +0100, Jorge Sanz wrote:

It's giving me a 404 now but looking on the wayback machine (just one
record on 2013/06/15) it was a drupal page with links to FDO binaries


Aaaah, that's nice, thanks !

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Martin Spott <Martin.Spott@mgras.net> wrote:

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,

Not sure why it is so but I see this:

root@peer1_1:conf.d # nslookup fdo.osgeo.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: fdo.osgeo.org
Address: <<<----

root@peer1_1:conf.d # ifconfig
bash: ifconfig: command not found
root@peer1_1:conf.d # if
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifc
ifcfg ifconfig
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast:
Mask: <<<----

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrite.conf I see a commented rule:
# FDO has a real subdomain
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fdo\.osgeo\.org$
#RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://osgeo.org/fdo [R,L]

My micro-contribution,

On 01/24/2014 03:12 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Martin Spott <Martin.Spott@mgras.net> wrote:

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,

Not sure why it is so but I see this:

root@peer1_1:conf.d # nslookup fdo.osgeo.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: fdo.osgeo.org
Address: <<<----

root@peer1_1:conf.d # ifconfig
bash: ifconfig: command not found
root@peer1_1:conf.d # if
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifc
ifcfg ifconfig
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast:
Mask: <<<----

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrite.conf I see a commented rule:
# FDO has a real subdomain
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fdo\.osgeo\.org$
#RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://osgeo.org/fdo [R,L]

My micro-contribution,

Now solved and I get what's going on-ish. Apache was being sent to the
wrong root of Drupal for http, but a different place for https.
The rewrite rule appear to be from some older config and not related.

Can someone please let the fdo project know it's fixed and ask them to
please update the FOSS4G Ad to 2014.


A user has reported this (below), and I can verify (for all links on
http://fdo.osgeo.org/documentation.html) -jeff


I am interesting in learning about the API for FDO to see if it can meet
our needs.

I am unable to view any documents on the document page on your website.
It gives me the error:

You do not have permission to access [pathname] on this server.

What do I need to do to gain access?



On 2014-03-22, 6:14 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

On 01/24/2014 03:12 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Martin Spott <Martin.Spott@mgras.net> wrote:

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,

Not sure why it is so but I see this:

root@peer1_1:conf.d # nslookup fdo.osgeo.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: fdo.osgeo.org
Address: <<<----

root@peer1_1:conf.d # ifconfig
bash: ifconfig: command not found
root@peer1_1:conf.d # if
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifc
ifcfg ifconfig
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast:
Mask: <<<----

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrite.conf I see a commented rule:
# FDO has a real subdomain
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fdo\.osgeo\.org$
#RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://osgeo.org/fdo [R,L]

My micro-contribution,

Now solved and I get what's going on-ish. Apache was being sent to the
wrong root of Drupal for http, but a different place for https.
The rewrite rule appear to be from some older config and not related.

Can someone please let the fdo project know it's fixed and ask them to
please update the FOSS4G Ad to 2014.


I just took a look, and while slow the website is running.
As for where those files are, looks like we didn't know about them in
the migration we did a month ago. Since they appear to be static.

Url says /files, closest thing I can find is /var/www/osgeo/files/fdo
which points to /var/www/webdav which doesn't exist. Appears to be the
same for mapguide. I don't know the direct ip for osgeo1 or if peer1
turned it off already as we requested.

It does not appear to be /var/www/drupal-5.23/sites/fdo.osgeo.org/files/
which is a drupal folder, but I could be wrong and have no idea if that
folder is supposed to have files or not.

I think someone from the fdo and mapguide communities needs to step up
and give us an idea of what's going on, and if they have another copy of
the files in question that can be uploaded.


On 05/08/2014 05:14 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

A user has reported this (below), and I can verify (for all links on
http://fdo.osgeo.org/documentation.html) -jeff


I am interesting in learning about the API for FDO to see if it can meet
our needs.

I am unable to view any documents on the document page on your website.
It gives me the error:

You do not have permission to access [pathname] on this server.

What do I need to do to gain access?



On 2014-03-22, 6:14 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

On 01/24/2014 03:12 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Martin Spott <Martin.Spott@mgras.net> wrote:

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,

Not sure why it is so but I see this:

root@peer1_1:conf.d # nslookup fdo.osgeo.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: fdo.osgeo.org
Address: <<<----

root@peer1_1:conf.d # ifconfig
bash: ifconfig: command not found
root@peer1_1:conf.d # if
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifc
ifcfg ifconfig
root@peer1_1:conf.d # /sbin/ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:59:8A:C0
          inet addr: Bcast:
Mask: <<<----

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrite.conf I see a commented rule:
# FDO has a real subdomain
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fdo\.osgeo\.org$
#RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://osgeo.org/fdo [R,L]

My micro-contribution,

Now solved and I get what's going on-ish. Apache was being sent to the
wrong root of Drupal for http, but a different place for https.
The rewrite rule appear to be from some older config and not related.

Can someone please let the fdo project know it's fixed and ask them to
please update the FOSS4G Ad to 2014.


Sac mailing list

A user filed a ticket a few months ago about none of the doc and download links working[1], but hasn't got any response yet.

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/900


On 2014-01-24 7:00 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi Jorge,

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 08:34:45AM +0100, Jorge Sanz wrote:

It's giving me a 404 now but looking on the wayback machine (just one
record on 2013/06/15) it was a drupal page with links to FDO binaries


Aaaah, that's nice, thanks !

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,


Checking this thread it looks like the last point of action was to get
Jackie admin access. After which Jackie would clean up the links.

I'm not sure that ever happened. Perhaps Christian or Martin could check
that user:jng
is an admin on those drupal sites (I can't even log into them).
Though I'm not sure those sites are using OSGeo Ids, maybe that is the
issue? Side note, if is using osgeo ids we need to push the login page
to https.

As for the no response on the fdo trac, that's fdo project members
responsibility. Since it sounds like SAC help is needed, forwarding or
filing with SAC makes sense.


On 01/08/2015 06:11 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

A user filed a ticket a few months ago about none of the doc and
download links working[1], but hasn't got any response yet.

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/900


On 2014-01-24 7:00 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi Jorge,

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 08:34:45AM +0100, Jorge Sanz wrote:

It's giving me a 404 now but looking on the wayback machine (just one
record on 2013/06/15) it was a drupal page with links to FDO binaries


Aaaah, that's nice, thanks !

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,


Sac mailing list

Thanks for responding to this Alex.

Regarding no response: yup, in fact I said the same thing in that ticket. Right now it's more of an issue of getting the work done/fixing this, than proper channels (I think we are both preaching to the choir).


On 2015-01-08 5:28 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

Checking this thread it looks like the last point of action was to get
Jackie admin access. After which Jackie would clean up the links.

I'm not sure that ever happened. Perhaps Christian or Martin could check
that user:jng
is an admin on those drupal sites (I can't even log into them).
Though I'm not sure those sites are using OSGeo Ids, maybe that is the
issue? Side note, if is using osgeo ids we need to push the login page
to https.

As for the no response on the fdo trac, that's fdo project members
responsibility. Since it sounds like SAC help is needed, forwarding or
filing with SAC makes sense.


On 01/08/2015 06:11 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

A user filed a ticket a few months ago about none of the doc and
download links working[1], but hasn't got any response yet.

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/900


On 2014-01-24 7:00 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi Jorge,

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 08:34:45AM +0100, Jorge Sanz wrote:

It's giving me a 404 now but looking on the wayback machine (just one
record on 2013/06/15) it was a drupal page with links to FDO binaries


Aaaah, that's nice, thanks !

Now I understand: The site is perfectly fine as long as you stick to
using HTTPS:


Strange .... but potentially solvable,
